Regardless, he said, “I wouldn’t normally consider a kiss the point of no return, but with you…” He let out a long breath. “Well, let’s just say I knew it was going to be damn hot and so yeah, I do plan on kissing you again. A lot.”

She smiled sweetly, not quite enough to give him the dimples he longed to see, but enough to cut some of the tension. “I like that you don’t beat around the bush.”

“Don’t see much point to it. And besides, I’m sure you got a good idea of how much I want you.”

Christ, he’d been hard in a heartbeat. No woman had ever gotten him so worked up so fast. And his adrenaline still pumped as her palms remained flattened against his chest and she gazed up at him with those big blue eyes of hers.

He added, “But to be clear, I’m more than willing to take this slow and easy.”

“Of course you are. I knew you were a good guy the minute I saw you with Anabelle. You were gentle with her. Doing whatever it took to keep her calm. You’re that way with me too.”

“Well, I did mention I’m crazy about you, right?”

She laughed softly. “I’m sure it goes without saying that the feeling’s mutual. I didn’t even mind Reese gloating all through dinner over her matchmaking skills.”

His fingers grazed her cheek. His head dipped and he kissed her tenderly. Then he whispered against her lips, “Now what is it that you need to tell me?”

Her breath hitched. She stepped away.

Sam sighed. “I like it better when you’re in my arms.”

“I like that too.” But she didn’t return to him. Instead, she broke their eye contact and stared out toward the stable. “The thing is, the ex got a little rough when I realized he was trying to swindle sixty grand from me.”


He wasn’t going to like this conversation at all.

His muscles bunched, but he managed to ask in a steady voice, “Did he hit you?”


es.” She shuddered, the memory clearly running through her mind. “So hard I fell to the floor. Had a black-and-blue mark on my cheek for close to two weeks.”

Sam’s gut clenched. Those cheeks he found so damn alluring? Son of a bitch.

He swallowed down a lump of anger and asked, “That all?” As if it weren’t enough. Jesus.

She took a deep breath, then said, “No.”

He waited for her to fill in the blanks. He had to stuff his hands into his pockets to keep them from balling into fists at the thought of someone smacking her around.

Sky finally said, “While I was on the floor, he pinned me down. Shoved my skirt up.”

Fury flashed through him. “Are you telling me he forced himself on you?”

She nodded.

Sam stalked away. Raked a hand through his hair. Then went back to where she stood.

“Who is this guy?” he demanded in a low tone. “’Cause if he comes near you again, I’m going to kick the shit out of him.”

“Sam,” she said, turning to face him. “This isn’t your fight.”

“So let’s take it to the sheriff.”

“With what? I have no evidence—just my word against his. There was no one in the recording studio when it happened. Hell, he told me I could scream for help as loud as I wanted—the walls were soundproof.”

His jaw tightened briefly. But he tried to keep a level head and a calm voice. “Someone had to have seen you all roughed up, Sky.”