Tears stung Reese’s eyes. Her friend was not only beautiful, the huge smile on her face told of how happy she was. And Reese was genuinely happy for her…

* * * * *

“That was some wedding you ladies pulled off,” Caleb told her later as he climbed into bed next to Reese. Their cottage wasn’t quite finished, but the bedroom was sufficiently outfitted.

She snuggled under the covers with him. “I’d say it was one hell of a grandiose inaugural event for the inn. We had to go overboard. I mean, you did see that dress Ginger was wearing.”

“Hard to miss. I was a little concerned as to whether it’d fit down the aisle without knocking over any guests.”

She laughed. “Yes, but it was gorgeous. As was she.”

“My attention was mostly elsewhere.” He kissed her, then said, “Better be careful with your party planning expertise or my mother might decide to host an event here.”

“Now why would you say such a thing to me?”

He chuckled. “Sorry about that. Although, she and my father did agree to make the trip down soon to see the place.”

“I may conveniently be out of town that weekend.”

“I wouldn’t blame you in the least.” He kissed her again. Much more passionately this time, stealing her breath.

“You’re wearing entirely too much clothing,” she said as she reached for the waistband of his boxers.

“Hold on a sec. Let me grab something from the nightstand.”

He reached for the drawer and she stripped off her short nightie. When they turned back to each other, Reese gasped. He held an opened black velvet box with a ring that showcased a large, pear-shaped diamond.

“What do you say we tie the knot too?”

Her hand pressed to her chest. “Good Lord, Caleb. That’s like two carats!”

“Four. I dipped into the trust fund for it. I’m sure our kids will understand.”

The fluttering of her heart made it difficult to breathe. “Kids?”

“Yeah, I was thinking two at least. Maybe three? We can just keep adding onto the cottage. And Sam will end up with more help in the stables.”

A smile instantly touched her lips. “Three would be fine.”

“Then we’d better get a move on it. You’re not gettin’ any younger.”

Her jaw dropped. She playfully shoved him. “Thanks a lot.”

“Well, my mother did secretly call you a cougar.” He winked at her. “I think it’s damn sexy.”

“I think you’re damn sexy.”

“So you’ll marry me?”

She held out her left hand. “’Til death do we part.”

He slid the ring on her finger and then pulled her into his arms. “This is just the beginning for us, darlin’.”

“I am very much in love with you,” she said.

“Right back at ya.”