“How do you do?” Missy asked with debutant politeness, though the flash of disdain in her emerald eyes was unmistakable. To Caleb she said, “Judith didn’t mention you were seeing someone. We were expecting you and Sam to come stag.”

“Reese and I recently met and we’re quite taken with each other.” He smiled down at Reese and her heart fluttered. “We weren’t planning on attending the party but thought we’d keep Sam company. We won’t take up any more of your time. I just wanted to stop by before we leave.”

“It’s good to see you, as always,” Missy said, a sparkle in her eyes as she gave him a hug and a quick kiss. On the lips. “Don’t be such a stranger. My parents and I miss seeing you.” She turned her attention to Reese and added, “We go way back.”

“Yes, I’ve heard.”

The fact Reese managed to keep jealousy and insecurity from her tone seemed to agitate Missy even more. The disdain flickered in her eyes again—almost a “how dare you steal him away” expression.

“Let’s get Sam and return to the airport, darlin’.” Caleb placed a hand at the small of her back. “Ladies. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

They walked away, but Reese heard the instant spark of gossip behind her. She pretended to neither notice nor care.

After bidding his disgruntled parents goodbye, they left the mansion. The chauffer took them back to the plane.

Reese didn’t have much to say on the short flight home. What a weird evening. It hadn’t been as disastrous as she’d anticipated—following Sam and Caleb’s description of how Charlotte had been treated—and that caused her to be even more wary. Judith could very easily lure her into a false sense of security—making her feel as though she’d successfully pulled off the evening. When Reese’s guard was down, she’d move in for the kill.

Or she could be completely overreacting. Paranoid for no good reason, other than she cared deeply for Caleb and didn’t want his family to come between them.

By the time they reached the B&B, she needed some space to sort out her convoluted thoughts and replay the party in her head.

As they crossed the drive to the porch, she heard an engine start, saw a flash of lights beyond the tall hedge that trimmed her front lawn and caught the squeal of tires.


The thought prickled her already jangled nerves. Was he still watching her?

Anger replaced the anxiety. Son of a bitch. Why didn’t he leave her alone?

Once inside, Sam retreated to his room.

Caleb kissed her, then said, “You’re being way too quiet for my comfort.”

She sighed. “I need to let the whole evening sink in.”

He didn’t press and she appreciated his empathy. “You know where to find me if you want to talk.”

“Thank you.”

She turned to head upstairs. He added, “You really are sensational, Reese. Nothing anyone says is going to change how I feel about you.”

Her smile was a bit shaky, especially as she thought of her ex stalking her. “Thanks again.”

She wondered if Caleb could keep his promise. They’d known each other a short period of time, after all. His family had longevity and blood on their side. Missy Burton had history with him too. Reese would be an easier tie to cut.

That was what worried her most.

* * * * *

The next morning, the house was empty. Caleb had left her a note saying he and Sam had taken some leftovers and gone to the ranch to finish the perimeter posts. She drove out to the Wades’ house. Liza was at work, but Jack accepted the items she needed to return and locked the jewels back in his safe.

In town, Reese walked into the diner.

“This is a surprise,” said Melodie, one of the servers. “You never come in for breakfast.”

“Thought I’d treat myself to a tall stack of pancakes flipped by someone other than myself.”
