. “I haven’t heard you say no to me yet.”

“You haven’t given me a reason to.” He swept her up in his arms and she laughed again. “You like doing that, don’t you?”

“Maybe it’s territorial, but I can’t help it.”

She nuzzled his neck. “Again…not complaining.”

* * * * *

Ginger told Reese the next afternoon at the lingerie shop she wanted to treat her friends to dinner and drinks for helping with the first round of wedding decorations. They all met at Pietro’s.

“You are not going to believe the latest word on the street,” Jess said in an offended tone as she slid into the booth in the far corner of the dining room.

“If it has anything to do with me,” Reese said as she reached for the basket of sourdough bread, “I don’t want to hear it.”

“Well, of course it does. And you absolutely do want to hear it.”

Reese dipped the end of her hunk of bread into the small pool of olive oil and balsamic vinegar she’d poured onto her side plate. After swallowing, which gave her time to decide whether to listen to what her friend had to say or reiterate she didn’t want to know, she caved.

“Fine. What am I up to now, according to the rumor mill?”

“Tommy is spreading word all over town that you’ve now got two men staying with you at the B&B.”

“That’s hardly worthy of calling it gossip. It’s a fact.”

Jess crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s also saying that you’re sleeping with one of the men, and he’s hinting there might be a threesome developing, since y’all were out to dinner together last night looking chummy.”

Reese dropped her slice of bread. “Are you shitting me?” She was certain the color drained from her face.

“Would I be so upset if I were?” Jess demanded.

“Oh good Lord,” Ginger said, her eyes wide.

Liza merely waved a hand in the air. “Please. No one will ever believe you’re involved in a love triangle, Reese. You are not the ménage type.”

“Were I not royally pissed off right now, Liza, I’d take extreme offense to that comment. I could so do a three-way.”

The other women laughed. Ginger said, “No you couldn’t. You’re fiercely loyal—even when it’s to your own detriment. You couldn’t divide your affection, sweetie.”

Reese sighed. “Well, you do have a point there.” Especially when it came to Caleb. Her mind shifted back to her ex. “So what the hell? Tommy’s staking out the B&B to see what kind of business I’m doing?” Another ominous shiver slithered down her spine—he brought the sensation on in spades. “Oh my God.” She gasped. “Tommy’s staking out the B&B. He’s keeping tabs on me.”

“That will not do.” Ginger whipped out her cell.

“Who are you calling?” Jess asked.

“Ryan, of course. He’s on patrol tonight for Deputy Baker. I’m going to have him drive by the B&B more often.”

While she placed the call, Reese’s gaze slid around the restaurant. Her mind whirled. Not only was she creeped to high hell that Tommy might be watching her, but she wondered exactly how many people in town—and in Pietro’s—had heard the speculation she was sleeping with her guests. What did they all think? She’d turned the place into a brothel?

She groaned. “For the love of God,” she whispered. “This is so humiliating.” As though she needed another dose of mortification heaped on top of her.

“Don’t go shrinking into the seat,” Liza snapped as she began to do just that. “You know people in this town are on your side.”

“Yes, but if they start thinking I’m trying to sow some wild oats with two men, they’re going to be digging a huge hole for me.”

“Exactly who is this second guest of yours?” Jess asked. “Because apparently he rivals Caleb in the hottie department and there are several Wilder women already drooling over him.”

“Sam is Caleb’s older half brother. And he’s just as down-to-earth as Caleb.”