“You’re nervous.”

“No,” she said without hesitation. “Not at all. I’m actually… I don’t know. I haven’t sorted all of this out in my mind yet.”

There was no denying her body was in desperate need of him. And vain as it was to admit, her ego could certainly use the boost—so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing he was five years younger than her. Yet she wondered if Caleb would find her needy. In fact, now that she thought of it, she feared he might just be taking pity on her, since he knew her romantic woes. At the same time…he really seemed like a genuine man. It was difficult to doubt the merit behind his good intentions.

They rounded the side of the porch and took the steps up to the painted, white wood platform. She let them in the front door with her key and he closed it behind them. She’d left a light on in the foyer that created a soft golden glow. When he turned to face her, grinning sexily at her, her heart fluttered and she had a small epiphany.

“I like everything you’ve said so far. Which makes my earlier proposition seem tawdry.”

“I wasn’t thinking of it like that. But if you’ve changed your mind…”

“I’m withdrawing the suggestion for the evening, if that’s okay. Why don’t we have dinner here tomorrow night? I’ll cook.”

He shoved his hands into his front pockets, his smile widening. “I can’t complain about that. Do I still get to kiss you goodnight?”

“I’d be extremely disappointed if you didn’t.”

He groaned. “‘Extremely’, huh?”


His laugh filled the entryway. “Now you’re being a smartass.” He reached for her and his mouth sealed to hers.

Reese could have very easily died and gone to heaven at that moment. Every time he kissed her, actually. His tongue delved deep and tangled with hers. His arms tightened around her, their bodies pressed together. Her fingers twisted in his thick hair. Fire roared through her body.

When he eventually pulled away, he sounded as breathless as she felt. “Darlin’, that’ll lead us straight to the bedroom.”

Such a tempting thought! But he wasn’t looking for a one-night stand and she’d realized she wasn’t either. Which meant dialing down her desire a notch or two wasn’t such a bad idea so they could get a handle on what was transpiring between them.

Yet, despite her internal rationalization, she remained in his loose embrace. “Actually, I was just thinking…there’s no harm in kissing, right?” She was already addicted, what could she say?

He smirked. “Trying to test my willpower?”

“I have as much at stake.”

Unexpectedly, he scooped her up in his arms, causing a little eep to squeak out between her parted lips. But she liked how territorial, yet romantic the gesture seemed. He carried her across the hardwood floor to his suite.

Thinking of the poignant moment they reached when they passed over the threshold of his door, she said, “I can pretend to be a prude about this, but that would be false. You know my story and I believe wholeheartedly you’re telling me the truth—that you’re not a player.” She curled her fingers around the soft material at the opening of his shirt. “I didn’t think I’d want this ever again because it’s so dangerous. But you’re different.”

“Yes, I am,” he said, his gaze locked with hers. “I promise.”

A thrill chased down her spine at the notion. A flickering flame against her clit made her deliciously uncomfortable. And the tightening of her nipples added to her heightened arousal.

His mouth was on hers in the next instant. His tongue swept over hers and lightning bolts seemed to zap all of her erogenous zones. She felt the prickle of desire against her pulse points more acutely than ever before. Along with the insane urge to claw at the man holding her, shredding his shirt and stripping him bare.

Tearing her mouth from his, she stared at him as her mind reeled. Her breath was ragged as she said, “Good Lord. That was one hell of a kiss.”

“I don’t think we’re capable of sweet ones.”

Her laugh sounded strained, likely because her body was on fire. “I’m not going to live that down, am I?”

“Just motivates me to make different adjectives pop into your mind.”

“With you, that’s not a problem, I assure you.”

He placed her in the middle of the bed. Thin rays of silver streamed in through the cracks in the blinds, providing just enough light so she could see the hard set of his jaw and the heat in his eyes.

“God, I want you,” he said in a gruff voice that caused her cunt to clench again.