Ruby and her assistant returned at that moment and set plates in front of everyone, each showcasing a huge square of lasagna oozing meat, sauce and cheese, and accompanied by thick slices of garlic bread.

“Bone app-etit,” she joked in her thick Southern drawl.

“Smells divine,” Jess said after inhaling deeply.

“I’d like to propose a toast if y’all can keep the drool from dripping down your chins for two seconds,” Jack said. He lifted his glass of Chianti and said, “To George, a great friend and husband, on Jess’ word. Happy birthday. And to Caleb and his rescue mission. Welcome to Wilder.”

They all clinked glasses.

George said, “I’m not going to mention how old I feel around some of you.”

Unfortunately Reese felt the same. Having recently celebrated their own birthdays, Ginger and Ryan were Caleb’s age.

They all dug in, the conversation coming to an instant standstill. Reese resisted the urge to moan as the ricotta melted on her tongue and the combination of sweet and spicy Italian sausage complemented the zesty sauce. She had to work out several times a week in order to have dinner at Pietro’s two or three nights in the same period, but the rigid exercise regimen was worth every single savory bite.

Wilder’s newcomer appeared equally enthralled with the food. And this from a guy connected to Dallas society. That certainly spoke volumes of Mike’s talent in the kitchen.

When the plates had been cleared away, Ruby delivered separate checks to each couple, excluding Reese and Caleb. He quickly reached for her bill.

“For letting me hang with you and your friends,” he said as he handed Ruby both tabs and some cash. “I forgot to pick up the credit card I’d left in the kitchen when I went back to the B&B to shower and change.”

“I haven’t run it yet. We ought to discuss a fair room rate.”

“I’m okay with whatever works best for you.” He grinned at her.

“We can come to an agreement later.”

“I’m sure we can.”

She resisted the urge to sigh over how utterly breathtaking he was, and those gorgeous blue eyes… She could gaze into them all night long and never consider it a waste of an evening.

“You really don’t have to buy my dinner,” she said.

“Too late.” His grin was such an easy, comfortable one, it caused a tickle of excitement along her clit and made her pussy throb in a dull, aching way. The man set her on fire with very little exertion on his part. All that natural charm and hunkiness… He was lethal to a woman’s resolve not to stroll down Romance Lane again.

“How about a round or two at the saloon?” Jack suggested, unfortunately not distracting her this time from the erotic sensations coursing through her.

Everyone agreed, then turned their attention to Reese and Caleb.

“You’re joinin’, right?” Jack asked.

Caleb said, “Thanks for the invite. I could use a night out before I dive into the work at the ranch.”

“Reese?” Ginger prompted her in a discreet tone. Though there was nothing discreet about how all these people where trying to hook her up with the sexy vet.

But the constant fluttering of her stomach led her to throw caution to the wind. “What the hell?” The live music would be loud and the atmosphere cheerful. She could hardly dispute both would vastly improve her mood of late. Although she suspected Wilder’s newcomer could do that all on his own.

Caleb stood and pulled back her chair.

As she got to her feet, she said, “You probably don’t know how to get there.”

She turned to Jack for him to give directions, since it was his saloon, but Jess intervened, suggesting, “Why don’t you go with Caleb? You can show him the way.”

“I carpooled with Jess and George this evening.”

“Perfect,” he said with a nod. “I can drive you over and then back to the B&B.”

“You’re okay with that?” she asked, a bit breathless from another tickle of desire against her clit.