“Why don’t we step into your shop?” Ryan suggested. He took her by the elbow and guided her across the street.

She unlocked the door and they moved inside, Ryan setting the deadbolt behind them.

He told her, “You should sit. Your face has turned ghostly white.”

“Of course it has. These guys are now armed, Ryan. And you’re going after them.”

“I’ve got my gun.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he held up a hand to stop her.

“I know that disturbs you, and I’m sorry. But the sheriff and I have already discussed this and he wants me carrying my 9mm. I want to as well, truth be told. Especially when dealing with these particular criminals.”

Ginger’s stomach twisted further, along with her heart. She said, “I was going to tell you I agree you should carry a gun. It occurred to me when I was speaking with Lydia. I want you to protect yourself. But, Ryan…” Her voice trailed off. She could barely breathe, her chest constricted so harshly. Yet she managed to add, “Now that this has become a reality—not just something we’ve debated in theory—I’m torn again about what you’re choosing to do for a living.”

He gripped her shoulders and stared down at her. “I’m going to be fine. I don’t want you worrying about me.”

“How can I not?” she insisted. “You might have training and tenacity on your side, but you’ve never dealt with dangerous criminals before, Ryan. This isn’t an exercise at a policy academy—this is real life!”

The hazardous situation sent a tremor of fear through her body.

“This is my job, Ginger.”

“I’m not saying I doubt your abilities, but there’s no telling what these guys are willing to do to get away with the robberies. They could kill someone with that .357 magnum. It could be you.”

The tremor turned into full-on quaking. Ryan pulled her to him and held her in a firm embrace.

“Ginger,” he whispered against her hair. “I don’t want you to be scared. I’ll be fine. I’ll be careful. You have to believe that.”

She shook her head. Tears sprang to her eyes. “I can’t do this. I can’t even begin to imagine how horrific it would be if anything happened to you. I just… I can’t do this, Ryan.”

Anxiety built so quickly, she started to hyperventilate.

Ryan released her and clasped her shoulders again. With a deadly serious look on his face, he said, “Take a few breaths.”

She did, and though it helped to get the oxygen flowing almost normally again, it did nothing to soothe her jangled nerves.

“Now,” he continued. “I need you to go across the street to the diner. Jack and George will be there, and Liza, Jess and Reese are joining them. I want you to stay there, with your friends, until I come back for you.”

She shook her head again and he let out a low growl.

“Damn it, Ginger, don’t make me worry about you while I’m trying to help the sheriff. And don’t make me agonize over whether you’re calling it off between us. Just do as I ask, please.”

His beautiful blue eyes bore into her, imploring her to trust him and to do as he requested.

Of course the last thing Ginger wanted was to be an obstacle. To present any sort of impediment in such a dire situation.

So she said, “I’ll go. But once this is over—”

“Let’s save that conversation for later. I’ve got to go.” He kissed her on the top of the head, then released her and turned toward the door. He stopped short of it, however, and glanced at her over his shoulder. “Get whatever you need from here and go to the diner,” he repeated. “Quickly.”

“I will,” she said as tears slid down her flushed cheeks. “I promise. But you have to promise me you’ll be careful. And that you’ll come back.”

He grinned at her, though it was a tight one. “I do promise.”

She stared after him as the door closed behind him. Then she looked around her store, thinking it was once the only dream she’d ever had for herself. But her new dream had become a life with Ryan. And just like her store when Lydia had set it ablaze, her dream was once again in jeopardy.

As her gaze landed on the ridiculously huge ensemble of flowers Jess had created for her upon Ryan’s request, the bell over her door jingled. Ginger started and her head whipped in that direction.