“No,” she was quick to jump in as she spared a glance at the new bandage she’d put on this morning. The wound was almost healed, but she’d wanted another day of antibiotic on the cut. “Actually, that was my fault. I tripped over a table after the fact and knocked over a lamp.”

Liza’s gaze scanned the store, a frown slanting her mouth. “Oh not that really pretty Tiffany one?”

“Imitation Tiffany, but yes.”

“Well, this is all very disconcerting,” Jess said after swallowing down a fry. “First you, and then Reese Middleton.”

“Apparently,” Liza dished, “the thieves used her credit cards before she could report them stolen. She heard this morning they’d pumped gas and bought a couple hundred dollars’ worth of groceries and supplies. That Max Lawton at the grocery store…” she said as she shook her head in dismay. “He’s such a sweet kid. Didn’t bother to check the name on the credit card. I swear, he’d trust Hannibal Lecter with his life.”

Ginger smiled. “He’s never had a reason to doubt anyone, and I really hope these are isolated incidences, because I’d hate for this town to live in fear so that people stopped trusting their neighbors.”

“Agreed,” Jess said. “Now, are you okay? Do you need anything? Money?”

With a laugh, Ginger told her friends, “I’m perfectly fine. In fact, I was looking at the books this morning and, damn, things have really picked up. I’ve got nine shipments to send out this afternoon from Internet orders and I’ve had quite a lot of customers lately. So thank you,” she said in an earnest tone, “but it looks as though I’m finally making a real profit. I’m planning to hire someone part-time…ahead of schedule.”

“That’s excellent news,” Liza said. “I have the perfect candidate for you—Reese. She told me recently the B&B is doing okay, but she needs to raise extra funds for the shark of a divorce lawyer she hired out of Austin. She’s not letting Tommy lay a finger on all those antiques handed down from her family over the generations or the house she bought when they got married. Do you know she even put him through trade school?”

Jess made a slight tsking sound. She was never one to knock another, but clearly had to take Reese’s side in the matter. “It’s such a shame. He never amounted to anything, even with so many good cards stacked in his deck. He used Reese, plain and simple. And then he ran off with the housekeeper she’d employed at the B&B.”

“I know,” Ginger said on a heavy sigh. “Why not just rip the poor woman’s heart out? I heard when she was off volunteering at the church and the Chamber of Commerce three days a week, Tommy and Megan were getting it on in every room at that B&B! Now I ask you, who deserves that?”

“You said it.” Liza sipped her soda, then changed the subject. “Speaking of getting it on, rumor has it you and Ryan Bain had dinner last night at Pietro’s. And I can confirm you two had a date, because I’m the one who sold the rose to him.”

Ginger’s cheeks flushed. “We weren’t at Pietro’s long, given the incident with Reese. But we did have dinner later.” She wagged her eyebrows. “At my house.”

“Now we’re getting to the good stuff,” Jess said. “Do tell. And don’t you dare leave a single word out, young lady. We’ve waited much too long to hear juicy details from you.”

“Please,” she laughed as she rolled her eyes. “I’ve been waiting to share juicy details with you.”

After another bite of burger, Liza asked, “So what happened?”

The heat that tinged Ginger’s cheeks spread down her neck and across her chest. She reached for her iced tea and took a deep sip before she spilled the beans.

“While my virginity is still intact, I can tell you my virtue in the bedroom is not.”

“Oh you wicked woman,” Jess crooned as she fanned herself with a napkin.

“I knew you had it in you,” Liza smirked.

“Indeed. And I’m just getting warmed up.”

Jess hooted. “Planning to make up for lost time?”

“Believe me,” Ginger told them as a f

lame of desire flickered against her clit. “If you saw this man naked, you would be shocked and amazed I managed to keep myself from completely jumping his bones. No condom,” she added. Then she glanced at the shelves along the back wall and said, “That reminds me. I need to put together a goody bag for myself.”

Both women’s brows shot up.

Liza said, “When he walked into the shop last night, I practically swooned. I swear, if I hadn’t met Jack Wade, my heart would have gone pitter-patter over your stud.”

“Jack is the only man for you, Liza,” Ginger said. “We all know that.”

“This is true.”

“So am I to understand,” Jess inquired in a delicate tone, “that Ryan Bain does not subscribe to the arm’s length mentality his relatives maintain?”

Ginger snorted. “Um, not a chance. And,” she said in a conspiratorial voice, “turns out, I’m quite the hussy.”