She groaned dramatically as her arms flopped and her head fell back while she stared up at the ceiling. Point made, she then snuggled close to him again. “I know there’s going to be a little pain associated with the pleasure. We were both in Sex Ed together, remember?”

“Yes, but I’m not just talking about your virginal state.”

Ginger was quiet a moment, then said, “You’re talking about my size. Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You are tiny, sweetheart.” He entered her room and placed her gently in th

e middle of her king-size bed. Stretching out beside her, he dropped kisses on her temple as he muttered, “And you’ve got a very tight pussy.”

With a hand on his chest, she pushed him onto his back and sprawled partially across him. She stared down at him and her voice turned challenging. “You think I can’t accommodate you, stud?”

The playful look in her sparkling green eyes did all kinds of crazy things to his insides.

“I’m just saying it’s going to be a snug fit.” Slipping one finger inside her had made him worry over hurting her. But she’d been so wet and slick, he’d eased right into her.

She brushed her fingertips over his lips as she said, “I get the logistics.” Her expression turned serious as she added, “If you don’t want to make love to me because you’re afraid you’re going to hurt me, that’s gonna be a problem. Because I really, really want you.”

He let out a sharp grunt. “You have no idea how much I want you. And not making love to you, particularly tonight, is all about not having a condom, and wantin’ to take things a bit slower.”

Her teeth briefly sank into her lower lip. Then she said, “Okay, I’m definitely an idiot. I didn’t even think about the condom.” Her eyelids squeezed shut…but fluttered open as he kissed her forehead.

“Wouldn’t expect you to be thinking about it. I didn’t come here tonight with the intention of making a move on you. We were going to have dinner and I was going to keep you company so you didn’t jump out of your skin at every noise you heard outside.”

“Wow,” she said, astonishment on her face. “I forgot all about those guys. Geez…” With a self-deprecating laugh, she told him, “You completely distract me with your hunky body and pretty blue eyes.” She smiled sweetly at him as she added, “And I feel so safe with you. Those jerks couldn’t possibly get close to me when you’re here.”

“I’m still hoping they high-tailed it out of town, since today was the last day of the rodeo. I really can’t imagine them hanging around. But in case they do, I want to make sure you’re—”

“Hey,” she said, instantly cutting him off. “I totally appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I mean, you really saved my ass on Friday. But if anything happens to me, it’s not on your head, Ryan.” She gave him a pointed look. “I can see how protective you are and that you’re constantly worried about my size. But you can’t take responsibility for the fact The Powers That Be failed to give me longer legs and a sturdier frame.”

He opened his mouth to respond as his head came off the pillow, but she pressed a finger to his lips.

“With regard to the latter,” she said in a stern tone, “I may be small, but I am not fragile. So don’t you dare treat me that way.”

His head dropped back to the pillow. “You can’t quite understand where I’m coming from, sweetheart.”

With a hollow laugh, she said, “Oh please. I’d load a science and a math book in my arms and you’d immediately swoop in to carry them for me, as if the extra weight might tip me over. When I tried out for the cheer squad, the advisors told me I was a great dancer, but all the girls had to do flips and they were too afraid I’d break a frail bone, despite the fact I could do back handsprings around every one of their chosen girls. I’m always a liability,” she said, tears suddenly filling her eyes.

She moved away from him so swiftly and unexpectedly, he couldn’t pull her back. Slipping from the bed, she tugged on the lace of the bodice of her nightgown, moving the material back into place.

“Hey,” he said as he rolled onto his side, propped his elbow on the mattress and rested his head in his palm. A very unassuming position, he hoped. “I never called you that.”

She stood in the middle of her large bedroom and planted her hands on her hips. “How can you not think it after Friday night?”

“And how many times has that situation happened to you, Ginger?” he asked, keeping his tone level.

Drawing in a deep breath, she held it a moment before slowly letting it out. With a somewhat defeated look on her face—because he’d sapped the wind from her sails—she said, “Never.”

“Well, there you go.”

She sank onto the bench that ran the width of her bed. The entire decor was soft and sensuous, all in creamy ivory and rich chocolate. Sophisticated and luxurious rather than girly.

Ginger said, “My entire life, people have naturally wanted to take great care with me. I’m not unappreciative, mind you. But I don’t want you holding yourself accountable for my lack of…” She shook her head as though trying to find the right word. A hand swept along the front of her as she settled on one. “Substance.”

Ryan grinned. “Trust me, there’s plenty of substance there.” His gaze landed on her enticing chest, which made her laugh, despite her intense diatribe.

Standing, she moved around to the side of the bed and climbed back into it. He pulled her to him and she snuggled alongside him.

Not discounting anything she’d said or how she felt, he told her in an earnest voice, “You think you have all these shortcomings because you’re petite. I, on the other hand, find your curvy little body and sexy assets appealing. I also admire your spunk and your contradictory intensity. And the fact you never let anyone keep you down—be it by way of reducing your shop to ashes or robbing you. All of these things, Ginger, make me admire and respect you. And want you even more.”