He couldn’t tell if she bristled over that admission or was just giving it consideration.

Finally, she said, “I understand there’s physical attraction that doesn’t have anything to do with love or intimacy. But when you’re married…I mean, isn’t this one of the biggest joys of that kind of union? Why would you want separate bedrooms?”

“Well, sweetheart, I don’t. But not every relationship is the same. And whatever made my aunt suddenly feel like sex with her husband was a sin…I don’t know anything about it.”

“Goodness,” she said. “This all adds a new dimension to Lydia I’d never known existed. Yes, I imagined she was frigid in the bedroom, but come on. And the fact she’d wanted children so badly. I can’t say how I feel about that. On the one hand, it’s sad to hear it didn’t work out for them. On the other hand, even you said living in that house was difficult.”

“Like I mentioned, I’m not one to cast stones, so all I can tell you is what I’ve witnessed. The way they treat each other is up to them and no one else. You and I, however… Well, let’s just say I’d be damn glad to share a bed with you every night, darlin’.”

She dropped feather-light kisses on his chest as she murmured, “Hallelujah and praise the Lord.”

He chuckled.

Now, if only they could reconcile their issues outside the bedroom, they just might be onto something of a more permanent nature.

Chapter Seven

Ginger was rearranging a display in front of the window when she caught a glimpse of Liza out of the corner of her eye. Her friend pushed a cart down the sidewalk. Nestled in a box on the top shelf was an enormous floral arrangement. With a little laugh over Liza’s hellacious delivery, Ginger went back to her display.

Seconds later, the silver bell rang and Liza propped open the door, then wheeled in the cart.

“Holy moly,” Ginger said as she eyed the flowers more closely. “I

s there a wedding tonight I didn’t hear about?”

Liza wiped a bead of perspiration from her hairline. “Is there ever a wedding—or anything else in this town—someone hasn’t heard about?”

“Well, whatever the occasion, Jess has certainly outdone herself.” Ginger whistled under her breath. “Guess she wanted me to see it.”

“Guess again,” Liza said as she pulled her cart farther into the shop. “Help me with this, will you?” she asked as she grasped one side of the enormous vase.

With a lifted eyebrow, Ginger said, “You’re gonna let me display it today? This is going to look sensational in my window.”

“They’re no loaner, my friend.” The two women hoisted up the heavy arrangement and placed it atop a low dresser sitting off to the side near the front of the store, highly visible from the street. Liza handed over a small envelope and added, “I don’t need to tell you who this is from.”

“Seriously?” Ginger asked as her gaze shifted from the astounding bouquet to the card she held in her hand. “These are for me?”

With a wicked look on her face, Liza said, “All I can say is, you must be a hellcat in the sack, girlfriend. Jess even said she’d never had carte blanche on an order of this magnitude. Ryan didn’t know your favorite flower, so he basically ordered one of everything. And then some. We even had to call in a special delivery from Jess’ grower to complete the damn thing.”

The arrangement was colorful and vibrant and absolutely stunning. Emotion washed over Ginger, making her heart beat a bit faster. “Jesus,” she said. “All of this is for me.”

Liza gave her a quick hug and said, “Oh sweetie, you are so worth it. Regardless of what naughty little things you did to that man in bed.”

Ginger’s cheeks flushed, and not just from the remembrance of her past couple of steamy nights with Ryan.

“He does make me crazy with desire,” she admitted. With a hand over her heart, she confessed, “I swear, I could hole up in a bedroom with him for a week and not give a thought as to what’s happening on the other side of the door.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling. Sometimes I can’t bring myself to climb out of Jack’s bed.” She winked, then added, “Nothing wrong with spending a Saturday morning under the covers.”

“I’m certainly looking forward to it.” She flipped the envelope over and was about to open it when the grandfather clock chimed. Ginger’s gaze snapped to its elegant, gilt face and she groaned. “Oh good grief. I have a hair appointment with Lydia. I’ve thought all day about cancelling it, but, of course, she frowns upon that.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Liza deadpanned. “Everyone in town knows I’ve resorted to doing my own hair since moving here. And not always successfully.”

“You look fine. You’ve gotten the hang of those highlights. If word gets out about these flowers,” Ginger said, “I might be headed for a bottle job myself.”

Liza gave her a sympathetic look. “I did have to push that cart past her window.”

Ginger cringed. “Cross your fingers she wasn’t up front where she’d see them.”