till glowing with a powerful after burn. She was ready for him, all right. Wanted to feel him deep in her cunt, filling her and stretching her and making her come again and again.

But emotionally… Ugh. He was right. She really wasn’t the one-night stand type. Bringing home a stranger and letting him have his way with her until they both got their fill, then watching as he walked out the door…

Her throat tightened. All her bravado and determination to say fuck you to Peter by having sex with another man was bullshit.

No, she didn’t want to get her heart trampled on again. She wasn’t looking for love. But Liza needed more than a quick romp in the sack. Her pride was already shot to shit. If she made love with the tempting Devil tonight, she’d feel used and discarded come morning when she rolled over and he was gone.

They both knew it.

A part of her wanted to kick herself for not being able to enjoy no-strings-attached sex the way she’d thought she could. The other part of her wanted to hug the sexy cowboy for seeing right through her. For protecting her heart for her.

He was thinking more clearly than she was. She needed more water or maybe some coffee to help sober her up a little, so she wasn’t swaying in his arms and swooning from his kisses. Wanting to say to hell with her own convictions.

Then again, who was she kidding? She’d be this disoriented even without the hooch. The Devil was more intoxicating than the tequila.

She knew it was time to stop this runaway train. Placing both hands on his chest as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her pussy, causing her to shudder at the same time she inwardly bemoaned the loss of the intimate contact, she said, “You’re right. I’m not this type of girl.”

He grinned at her, soft and sweet. “You gave it one hell of an effort, darlin’. And I’ll admit, I wish you were.” He let out a low chuckle as he shook his head and stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. “Nah, actually, I don’t. I like knowing you need more than a few shots of tequila and a warm body to satisfy you.”

“And here I’d claimed I wasn’t a tease.” She was a bit ashamed of herself. “No harm, no foul?”

“Not on my part. You okay?”

“Better than okay,” she said. And meant it. At least she wasn’t all twisted in knots now that he’d delivered the orgasm she’d needed to help take the edge off.

“Sweetheart, I know women.” His eyes locked with hers and there was nothing but raw honesty in his mesmerizing gaze. “And while you are easily one of the most beautiful and desirable I’ve ever come across, I know you’ve got things weighing on your mind. I don’t want to add to your troubles.”

Or mine, his look seemed to say.

“I’m not a virgin, you know. Just in case you’re thinking…” She rolled her eyes, wondering why on earth she’d just said that.

Someone get me a shovel, I’m about to dig a hole for myself.

Trying to clarify, she added, “I have thoughts. Ideas. Things I want to do. With you. Things I want you to do to me.”

He let out a short, strained laugh. “Jesus, darlin’. You’re making me even harder.”

“But you’re not going to do anything about it.”

“Not tonight, Manhattan,” he said as his head dipped and he gave her a quick kiss on the mouth. “I’ve got a poker game waiting for me.”

She bit back an unexpected grin. He was such a devil! “You’re leaving me for poker?”

“No,” he said with a wink. “That’s just the excuse I’m using. I’m leaving you before I cave in and jump your bones.”

“Maybe I should reconsider my position on one-night stands.”

“No,” he said as his hands came out of his pockets and he gripped her waist, pulling her close to him. Her body instantly melded to his and she let out an unchecked sigh. “I may be having a God-awful time resisting you, but I think it’s best if I do. For now anyway,” he added in that rough voice that made her toes curl. “How about breakfast tomorrow?” he asked.

“A downgrade from dinner?”

“No, darlin’. I’m not interested in waiting that long to see you again.” His tempting mouth lifted at the corners in that half-assed way that singed her to the core.

“Damn,” she whispered. “You do the oddest things to me.”

“Odd in a good way, I hope.”

“Surely you already know the answer to that.”