Will we or won’t we?

Chapter Three

“Good catch,” Liza whispered in a breathless tone as Jack’s arms tightened around her waist. “Probably would’ve snapped an ankle if I’d toppled over.” She tried to be flip, but the only thing flipping was her stomach.

Her voice was as unsteady as she was on her stilettos. Little tremors of excitement rocked her body, the vibrations making her tremble from head to toe. She certainly couldn’t blame the shaking on the weather, because it was hotter than a Manhattan sidewalk in mid-July. Even this late in the evening.

Giving a purely half-assed shove, she tried to move away from the Devil. Just a bit, needing some physical distance for mental clarity. Her hands lingered on his chest, though, where she’d placed them. They weren’t just hanging out there to keep her steady. Once she’d touched the scorching-hot cowboy, she wasn’t in a hurry to stop touching him.

“Does it ever cool down around here?”

He grinned at her, as though he knew she was trying to change the subject, draw his attention from the quaking of her body that had nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with him. And the lust he sparked.

“Seems unlikely at this point.” The wicked flash in his eyes told her he wasn’t talking about the weather. But he did add, “You’ll like October.”

A long way off… Would she even be here come October?

As Liza ruminated over this, Jack suddenly scooped her up in his strong arms, effectively pulling her bare feet right out of the spiked heels, which remained deeply embedded in the soft earth.

“Oh!” she gasped in surprise. “You could’ve given me a heads up on that one.”

“Not my usual style, but I keep thinking you’re gonna hurt yourself in those shoes.”

“Considerate of you.” She grinned contently as she all too willingly wrapped her arms around the cowboy’s thick neck. He carried her easily up the pathway, moving in a panther-like way that was fluid, yet purposeful. Everything about this sexy stranger appealed to her. Even the way he walked.

Snuggled close to his chest, she breathed in the dark, masculine scent of him. Damn, he smelled good. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she inhaled deeply one more time.

“Nice cologne,” she whispered in his ear.

He let out a low groan.

“City girls too heavy for you?” she teased.

He laughed. It was low and tight, but not in a you’re-straining-my-back sort of way. More like a “you’re testing my restraint” type of way.

“You’re light as a feather, darlin’,” he said.

“You must have sisters. Someone taught you well.”

He didn’t respond and she found that curious. Another piece of the Jack Wade puzzle to file away and think about another day. When she was sober. Not just from the tequila, but from the intoxicating scent and feel of the tall, dark cowboy.

She remained cozied up to him as he reached the three steps that led to the cute little porch with the glossy, dove-gray painted floor planks and the crisp, white-washed railing. The buckets of vibrantly colored flowers were a nice touch and their scent permeated the warm air. But the rich floral aroma was no match for the heat and delicious smell radiating from Jack.

The pulsing and throbbing in her cunt had not subsided since they’d left the saloon and now that she was in his arms, the erotic sensation was even more intense. She considered how close her lips were to his skin, how easy it would be to lean the tiniest bit forward and brush her mouth across his neck. She wanted to taste him. Everywhere. She wanted to run her tongue over the rigid muscles of his chest. Flick a nipple until it was as hard as hers. She wanted to move further south and pull his erect cock into her mouth, sucking and licking until he had to have her. Was desperate to be inside her.

A sigh of longing fell from her lips. The tip of her nose grazed his jaw as he ascended the steps and the electricity from that touch alone was enough to make her bound and determined to continue this seduction.

Regardless of who was actually in charge of it.

“You’re not making it easy for me to be chivalrous,” he said in a tight voice. “Those little sounds you make are driving me crazy.”

“When did I say I wanted you to be chivalrous?”

He groaned. “Trying to keep you out of trouble, darlin’.”

She laughed softly. “Don’t try so hard.” She was enjoying this too much. In fact, she seriously could’ve stayed in his arms all night—was sort of settled into doing just that. Unfortunately, as he stood in front of the ornate door with its beautiful, crystal-cut center, he put a small crimp in her plans.

“Mind unlocking the door, darlin’?”