George appeared by their sides, with Jess in tow. “Time to take the town back, Jack!” He said.

The reverend and his wife looked sufficiently mortified. Jack didn’t give a rat’s ass. To the bristling Bains, he said, “Looks like the sinners are taking a stand.” To Liza, he said, “Now let’s get you to the hospital, darlin’.”

“Good idea.”

Chapter Twenty


The word echoed in the cavernous room above the eruption of applause.

Liza pulled up short as she stepped inside Wade’s saloon, staring at fifty or so people, most of whom she didn’t even know. She gasped, then said, “I’ve ruined someone’s surprise, haven’t I?”

She turned around to look at the door, wondering if the person this crowd had really meant to celebrate was about to step into the entryway.

“No, darlin’, you haven’t ruined anything,” Jack said. She turned back to face him as he stepped away from the crowd, coming toward her. “This party is for you.”

A lump of emotion swelled in her throat. “For me?”

“Yeah,” Jack said as his head dipped and his lips brushed hers. Stealing her breath. Reminding her of all the clever things that mouth was capable of. All the wonderful sensations he made her feel. All the incredible things he did to her body.

Unexpectedly, he scooped her up in his strong arms, sweeping her off her feet in more ways than one.

He crossed to the bar, the throng of people parting to let them by.

“This really isn’t necessary,” she told him. Though her ankle was broken, she’d been outfitted with a walking cast. And her cracked rib was healing.

“You know me,” he said with a playful wink. “Any chance I get to mark my territory.”

Her insides lit up, sizzling and crackling the way they always did when the Devil in Blue Jeans looked at her. For today’s festivities, he’d paired his sinfully fitting Levi’s with a burgundy-colored T-shirt. One that hugged his hunky body and made her mouth water.

He settled her onto a barstool and she caught her first glimpse of the sign hanging from the side wall, which read, “Welcome back to Wilder!”

She laughed. “I never actually left, you know?”

Jack’s beautiful blue eyes glowed under the soft lighting, his sooty lashes framing them. He leaned in close to her and whispered, “I’m thanking God for that one every day, darlin’.”

Her toes curled, the ones in her boot causing her to wince. She didn’t mind the sting. “He answers sinners’ prayers, does he?”

“Apparently so.” He kissed her, slow and easy. Making everyone around them erupt with another round of applause.

When he pulled away, she fanned herself with her hand. “Hmm, lucky me for not rushing off.”

“No,” Jack said, his smile sweet, the dimple showing. “Lucky me.”

“No,” Jess said as she stepped forward, wedging her lithe body between Jack and Liza. “Lucky me.” She gave Liza a hug and said, “I’ve set up displays all over town this week and people are buying my flowers! Eddie Mason even asked if he could have a display by his checkout counter. Can you imagine that? In the hardware store! Seems he thinks Wilder could use a little more romance too.”

“Good for him,” Liza said, that lump of emotion still making it difficult to swallow.

“And lucky me,” Ginger said as she changed places with Jess. “The insurance adjustor who came to inspect the remains of my store and inventory, of which there was, um, none left, is a lingerie fan. She’s from Austin and couldn’t believe my prices when I told her about them! She said I’ll have my check in no time so I can reopen. Meanwhile, Cooper Denton offered me the space he has available for rent—cheaper than what I was previously paying under different management. And it’s a corner unit. Think of all that window space I’ll have to fill!”

“That’s wonderful!” Liza said. “More exposure.”

Ginger nodded. “I’ll be working on sketches until I’m ready to reopen. And I’d really like to move forward with the website. Will you still help me?”

How could she say no? “Of course I will.”

Ginger hugged her. “I’m so glad we’re friends!”