She loved that he was so conscientious about not hurting her when he took her this way. He didn’t lose control. Didn’t push too deep, too hard, too fast. Instead, he kept a controlled, consistent tempo that was sexy and titillating.

His fingers on her clit circled and caressed. This wasn’t the frenetic fucking that had swept her away minutes earlier. Rather, it was a scintillating mounting of pleasure and desire.

Warmth and euphoria flowed through her. Her inner thighs and stomach quivered. Her knees weakened. Her breathing picked up, as did that of her two lovers.

Rogen said, “I could get off just watching you let me fuck you like this.”

“But you want to come inside me, don’t you?” she tempted him.

“You know I do.” So he kept the pace measured, a bit leisurely. Though she could see he was close to his own release by the shimmer in his blue eyes and the setting of his rugged facial features.

Jewel arched her back and lifted her ass higher in the air for Vin.

He let out a low, strangled sound. “You get so into this.”

“Yes,” she said. “And I’m about to come.” She gazed at him over her shoulder once more. His entire body was rigid. “You’re almost there, too.”

“Impossible not to be,” he told her as his cock thrust tenderly into her, but with a hint of urgency now. His fingers at her clit dipped inside her.

“Yes,” she said again. “Finger my pussy while you’re fucking my ass. I love how you feel. So damn hard.”

His hips bucked. Jewel saw the change in him and it spurred her own anticipation of an electrifying climax.

The heel of Vin’s hand rubbed the knot of nerves between her legs as his fingers and cock stroked her inner walls.

“Oh, yes.” She moaned. “You both feel so damn good.” Rogen’s erection along the swells of her breasts and the pads of his thumbs teasing her nipples tighter were just as alluring as everything Vin did to her. She pressed a hand to Vin’s at the apex of her legs, forcing him to rub harder, the way Rogen had that night at her house.

He thrust a bit faster and deeper into her. Causing louder, wilder moans of pleasure to leap from her throat.

And then everything inside her crashed head-on and tore through her.

“Oh, God!” she wailed. “Vin!”

Sensation after sensation raged.

“Oh, fuck!” She couldn’t help but clench him tight as she came. Couldn’t hold back the elated cries.

“Jesus, Jewel,” Vin growled. “Holy hell.”

Mere seconds later his body jerked, then shuddered.

“Yeah, baby,” he said. “That’s it. Make me come. Oh, hell, yes.”

His cock surged inside her, prolonging her orgasm, keeping her falling.…

“Vin.” She vibrated from the inside out. “Oh, God!”

It was all so fantastic. So dynamic!

“Goddamn,” Rogen said with hunger in his tone. He released her breasts, freeing his cock. “You’re about to make me come.”

Vin withdrew from her. Gripped her at the waist again and lifted her up on the ledge of the tub. Rogen took over, pulling her to him so that she straddled his lap.

She was still lost in ecstasy when he thrust into her.

She called out, the intense feelings raging through her once again.

Still behind her, Vin’s hands moved to her hips and he pushed her down against Rogen’s pelvis as he pumped into her with fervor.