But what Rogen had mentioned in his office, about whether Jewel could accept them both in her life, as her lovers, created enough conflict to keep Vin on edge.

The sensible thing would be to have Jewel choose between them. But the more provocative and thrilling notion was to continue to share her. They were good at it. She’d obviously enjoyed herself. And well, hell. He and Rogen were nuts about her, so it wasn’t at all far-fetched.

Except for that whole unorthodox concern.

Admittedly, a committed ménage would keep them all out of dating hell. She wouldn’t have to make time for Vin. Then make time for Rogen. In this scenario, both men would know the other was sleeping with her. It’d all be out in the open, as she’d suggested.

Vin wouldn’t be wondering about what went on behind closed doors with Rogen. And vice versa. If they were all together, then they’d all be involved.

He gulped down a healthy amount of scotch as he contemplated this further. Since law school, it was in his nature to chew over complex situations and determine the correct course of action—before he took that action.

Years ago, he’d been more spontaneous. Had acted on impulse when it came to Jewel on more than one occasion. That first time they’d been together by the river, for instance. Sure, he’d begun lusting after her prior to that day—he’d told Rogen as much. But Vin hadn’t really allowed himself to travel a path of wicked intent with her. For all the obvious reasons.

When they’d been wrestling, though, she’d turned breathless and her hard nipples had pressed against her tank top, tempting him beyond all belief. And there’d been a distinct look of longing in her sapphire eyes. Impossible to dismiss. Impossible to turn away from.

Jewel had told him she and Rogen hadn’t been together in eight months, and Vin had somehow considered that an appropriate amount of time to give him the green light. He’d barreled right through it, unable to stop.

Just like the other night.

Rogen, who was now texting on his iPhone, suddenly tossed off his seat belt and stood, telling Jewel, “I have to take advantage of your ops center.” He stepped around her and disappeared into the galley.

Vin eyed Jewel over the rim of his crystal tumbler as she unbuckled as well and slipped into the seat next to him.

She said, “I need to tell you that I didn’t know Rogen had e-mailed you to say I was at Trinity that weekend before our prom.”

“Jewel.” He sighed. “I told him when we were at your house that it was ten years ago. No sense in dredging it all up now.”

“Yes, there is,” she insisted, her dark eyes clouding. “I slapped you at the gala because it was the first response I had to seeing you. Anger wrapped around that one week out of our lives.”

“I hurt you,” he simply said.

“I hurt you.”

They stared at each other for several moments.

Then Jewel added, “I didn’t cheat on you. Not … physically.” She shook her head. “Not entirely. I didn’t go to New York to be with Rogen, to start something up with him again. I went to explain about us.”

Vin’s brow furrowed. “Why didn’t you tell me that up front?”

“I honestly don’t know. Other than to say that I figured you would have insisted on coming along and I didn’t want to spring the news on Rogen in that way. It felt cruel for us to show up on his doorstep and announce that we were together, that you were going to college with me, not him. He’d suffered enough.” She grimaced. “So had you. I’m not discounting anything. It’s just that … I wanted to tell Rogen myself that I was falling in love with you.”

Her eyes suddenly watered. Vin’s gut pulled even tighter.

“You were in love with me?” he asked.

Jewel nodded. “Yeah. And I thought … we might have a chance. At a future. Me and you.”

His gaze continued to hold hers. Vin had awaited that admission long ago. Years later, it did things to him. Made angst roar through him that he’d been so hasty in passing judgement. That he hadn’t confronted her—or Rogen for that matter—about the secret tryst. He’d just assumed they were sneaking around. Because they’d done it before, behind their parents’ backs. With Vin’s help.

So, yes. He’d had just cause for latching on to his reason for leaving her. But he’d clearly been too hotheaded about it.

Not the first time, sadly.

“Fuck,” he muttered. Then something else occurred to him. He said, “You didn’t entirely cheat on me. What does that mean?”

And why the hell would he torture himself further by asking for details?

Because I need to know. Once and for all.