ff they’d addressed—the new deal, the reasons it didn’t sit right with Vin to be involved—and the underlying issues. The room was sexually and emotionally charged. It was hard to ignore either, and it ratcheted her own internal tension.

Jewel said, “It’s not like you to blurt out something you haven’t fully given consideration to, Vin.” She tried to reel in her own emotions. “For the record, Rogen and I getting married is something that hasn’t been a topic of discussion since we were thirteen or fourteen. And what did we know at that age?”

Rogen shrugged. “Seemed to be a good plan at the time.”

“Sure,” she agreed. “And then a feud erupted and you wound up all the way across the country—then on another continent.”

“Be that as it may,” Vin interrupted, “you’re no longer subjected to the will of patriarchs when it comes to your love lives.”

“We’re not really subjected to anyone’s will when it comes to that,” Jewel tacked on to the sentiment. “Are we?” She gave both men a direct, knowing look.

Here they all were. Together. At pivotal crossroads.

Honestly, all the cards had been revealed, so what good did it serve them to avoid one extremely crucial element to their love triangle?

The truly wicked one. The one that was …


No. Enticing.

So very wrong?

No. So … Delicious.

Jewel grabbed her glass and headed out of the kitchen and into the living room. Flames from the fire cast flickering shadows over the furniture and against the walls. She hadn’t put on music and the quiet air made her hear every little thing—like Rogen and Vin joining her. Their breaths a bit heavy, as was hers.

Okay, perhaps she’d had a bit too much of the Sangiovese. Because her blood had turned molten, and exhilaration hummed through her.

Or maybe she’d just fully accepted the fact that she wanted—needed—them both.

They were two incredibly sensual, incredibly talented men. Both experts in varying techniques, so that Jewel always felt as though sex was a whole new experience with each of them.

For those techniques and expertise to collide…?

It. Would. Be. Amazing!

She smiled. Perhaps a bit deviously.

“Jewel,” Rogen ventured in a tentative voice. “Care to explain the cat-that-ate-the-canary grin?”

Vin shifted from foot to foot, eyeing her as though he could read every single lascivious thought suddenly racing through her brain.

Knowing Vin, he probably could.

And Rogen was likely able to interpret every physical response she had to those thoughts. The way her nipples tightened behind her nightie. The way she pressed her thighs together because her clit tingled. The sudden hitch in her breath.

No doubt her eyes also shimmered with lust over the possibility that suddenly consumed her mind.

“I was just thinking,” she brazenly began, “that this past week, I’ve been with both of you. And I’m not trying to hide it from either of you. We might as well be open about it, right?”

Vin’s jaw set. Rogen’s brow furrowed.

To Vin, she said, “I know about Holly McCormick. Rogen explained.”

“Oh, fuck,” Rogen grumbled. “I told you, Jewel. It’s not the same.”

“You can’t actually be suggesting…?”