
Vin had wanted her despite that. Had literally not been able to stop himself from taking her at Bristol’s. In a bathroom, goddamn it.

Yeah. That was classy.

But the woman sparked something so explosive and carnal within him that Vin couldn’t help but respond to it. And the fact that she never, ever said no to him … that was enough to make him do crazy-stupid shit like fuck her in a public restroom.

And drive into the city to see her.

When he knew she never, ever said no to Rogen, either.

Vin had always considered himself of decent intellect and sound reasoning. Then Jewel Catalano would show up in a short skirt and high heels … and he instantly became a colossal idiot.

He fell apart for her every single fucking time.

Therefore, he should have been relieved to see it was Rogen who answered the door, not Jewel, so that Vin had a few more minutes to bring his agitation down a notch or ten.

Except that Rogen was yanking the hem of his T-shirt down his stomach and the top button of his jeans was undone.

Vin scowled. “I see I’ve interrupted. You two have turned into horny rabbits?”

“It was just a blow job.”

“There’s no such thing when it comes to Jewel,” Vin said irritably as he stepped into the foyer. So much for dialing down the intensity of his emotions.

“You’re right about that,” Rogen said in an equally tight voice. “Nice technique, by the way.”

Vin shot him a look.

Rogen smirked.

Okay, there’s a little vindication.

Shedding his black leather jacket, Vin added the garment to Jewel’s and Rogen’s on the rack. Gloated inwardly over having taught Jewel a thing or two that likely made Rogen stew.

Granted, Rogen also benefited from the tutelage. But still. It had to rub him raw that she did certain things Vin’s way.

Then again … She likely did certain things Rogen’s way when she was with Vin.

That left Rogen one up on him, since he’d gotten the blow job tonight.

Ten kinds of a fool.

Gonna multiply that number with every minute that passes?

If he were as wise as he claimed to be, Vin would get his ass back in his Maserati and return to River Cross. Let Rogen have Jewel.

Precisely what you should do.

But then he entered the kitchen and she stepped into his arms and clung to him.

What the fuck?

Of course, he hugged her back. Held on tight. He might be a fool, but he’d never pass up a chance to hold her.

Though it really didn’t help matters that she wore a skimpy, curve-hugging black lace nightie that did everything to evoke a man’s desire. Made him hard in an instant.

She didn’t say anything, just kept her arms wrapped around him and her body pressed to his. Her face burrowed in the crook of his neck and Vin felt the distinct wetness of tears on his skin.