“I can do anything that keeps you both in my life. In my heart.” She drew the line at saying in my bed. No need to antagonize her father further. Though she gave Rogen and Vin a wink.

They grinned.

Nuff said.

She still had one concern, though. To both parents, she asked, “Can you deal with the scandal?”

Gian said, “We’ve dealt with far worse. Or haven’t you heard?”

Sophia nodded. “I’m sorry for the way I acted initially, Jewel. All I want is for you to be happy. And you’re right. Both men did turn out nicely. Very upstanding and handsome, and pretty much everything we’ve ever wished for you,” she repeated Jewel’s sentiment from days before. “And California is all about alternative lifestyles, so…” She shrugged. Looked a bit hopeful over the entire scenario.

Jewel joined Rogen and Vin and said, “I’m pretty much over the gossip already.”

Rogen stepped forward and hugged her. Gave her a kiss on the cheek. Though his eyes burned—he was clearly looking forward to doing much more than that when they had some privacy.

Vin repeated the gesture but whispered in her ear, “You won’t regret this. Rogen and I will make damn certain of it. Every night.”

A ripple of excitement chased down her spine.

“I have no doubt.” She squeezed him back.

Then Rose-Marie suddenly declared, “My manners! Good Lord, I haven’t offered anyone a cocktail.”

Everyone laughed, relieved the tension had broken.

Gian said, “Shall we all retire to the patio? We have a new cognac I’d like you to sample.”

No one could argue with that.

Jewel linked arms with Rose-Marie and smiled at her. Sophia joined Jewel on her other side and they strolled through the mansion. The men followed close behind, engrossed in business matters pertaining to the release of the property next door.

She heard Gian say, “I’ll expect your letter of resignation on my desk first thing Monday morning, Vin. You’re going to be busy with legalities for the inn and winery.”

Jewel shot a glance over her shoulder. Let out a small gasp when she discovered Vin staring at her ass. He dragged his gaze away and told Gian, “They did ask for my legal counsel.”

“Offer still stands,” Rogen assured him. “A bit modified, however. How about a third of the partnership?”

Jewel grinned. Now they were getting the numbers right.

“I accept,” Vin said. To Gian, he added, “With all due respect, sir.”

“The three of you have always been thick as thieves. Why would I expect anything different now?”

Jewel returned her attention to the mothers.

She said to Rose-Marie, “You know, I love doing all those girly mother-daughter things, like shopping, pedicures, a movie on a rainy Saturday, lunch in the city.”

“I would like to think of you as my daughter-in-law,” Rogen’s mother said. Even though Jewel knew it would be a concept for Rose-Marie to gradually ease into, it offered hope.

Jewel teased, “That would entail twice-monthly Sunday jazz brunches on the terrace of the Scion Inn with me and my mother. That is, until our inn opens.”

“I’d be delighted.”

Sophia asked, “Do you have a name yet, Jewel?”

“DeVine Inn. Since we’ll also have a vineyard on property.” She spared a glance to her left, to her right. Then asked, “What do you think?”

“Heavenly,” her mother said.