“No worse than being a detective,” Scarlet said. “I’m armed.”

“Which makes me oh so comfortable,” Bayli chimed in.

With a smug smile, the fiery redhead told them, “I’m an excellent marksman. And I don’t poke the snakes with a stick. I have much more finesse than that.” She tossed long, sleek dark-auburn strands over one bare shoulder and added, “Whatever that saying is about attracting bees with honey … that’s me. I know to lure. Then gently probe. Then give the full-court press when I’m certain I have the home-field advantage.”

“Wow. Way to mix your metaphors, girlfriend.” Jewel laughed softly.

“You get my point,” Scarlet retorted, the sassy dripping from her tone.

Bayli warned, “Just be careful. Anyone who’s been dubbed the ‘Wolf’ of anything is likely not someone to trifle with.”

“Agreed,” Scarlet sensibly said. Then her gaze landed on Jewel and she gave a coy smile. “Soooo … speaking of being in someone’s crosshairs. You mentioned Holly McCormick last week. What the hell did you do to her to get on her snarky side?”

Jewel nearly spewed again. This time expensive champagne. “Um … why would you ask me that?”

“Because,” Scarlet said between sips, “rumors are afoot in River Cross, my friend. You, Rogen, and Vin are burning up the grapevine.” She laughed. “Yay, me! I finally got a metaphor right! Rumors … Grapevine … River Cross … Wine country … Everyone with me?”

Jewel tried to play along and smirk, but the corner of her mouth quivered. Her stomach clenched. “What do you mean, we’re ‘burning up the grapevine’? Why?”

“Come on, Jewel.” Scarlet pinned her with a knowing look. “Holly McCormick has become close personal friends with Francine Hillman. She told France that you crashed the Angelinis’ gala and slapped Vin when you saw him.”

“Jewel!” Bayli gasped.

“He deserved it,” she defended herself. Then sighed. “At the time.” Things were a bit different now. A lot different.

“Anyway,” Scarlet continued in a conspiratorial tone, leaning forward on her side of the booth while Jewel and Bayli sat on the other, “France told me the story, and that you left the party with Rogen. Totally disappeared and didn’t come back—according to Holly.”

“So?” Jewel tentatively asked, sucking down more champagne in hopes of combatting anxiety. No such luck there.

“It was also reported by Holly that Vin took her home before the party was over and very chastely kissed her on the cheek. That he was clearly pained over the hostile reunion with you, Jewel. Which apparently wasn’t quite so hostile, because he kissed your hand after you slapped him.”

“So he dropped Holly off without fucking her,” Jewel commented, shooting for nonchalance. “Is that what’s stuck in her craw?”

“I don’t know,” Scarlet said. “But then France shared with Holly that she’d seen the three of you on the patio at Bristol’s—though I’d heard about that from Nadine Portman originally. Evidently, you and Rogen were chummy. Vi

n stormed off, and you followed him. France confirmed she saw both you and Vin leaving the same restroom … right around the same time.”

Scarlet wagged her brows.

Bayli pinched Jewel’s arm. “You didn’t! In a public bathroom? My God—how horny are you two?”

Jewel’s head spun. And it wasn’t from the champagne. Holding up her hand, she said, “Wait, wait, wait. This is all huge conjecture.”

“Are you denying any of the details as fact?” Scarlet pulled out her investigator voice.

“No,” Jewel slowly said. “But it doesn’t mean—”

“Jewel.” Scarlet turned the big guns on her. “You crash the party because of the land deal you want. Run into both Rogen and Vin in the same night. Disappear with one. Are seen with both two days later. Disappear with the other. For quite some time, from what I hear. And then suddenly you’re traveling the world with them?”

“Oh, wow.” Bayli squirmed in her seat. “This is so juicy!”


Scarlet said, “Last little tidbit to impart. Holly phoned Vin before you all left on your trip. Likely a booty call, but whatever. He said he was on his way to Cabo. Very last-minute. Very unexpected. So she deviously called CE and learned you were out of the office until Tuesday. Cameron did not mention your whereabouts, but then Holly contacted Rogen’s assistant, who congenially offered that he was on his way to Cabo San Lucas. With one Jewel Catalano.”

Jewel’s jaw dropped. She set aside her glass. Tried to breathe.

Bayli whistled softly.