“If not sooner,” Bayli said as she whisked away tears.

Jewel said to Scarlet, “All’s well with you, too?”

“Well, I wasn’t spotted on the patio of Bristol’s having champagne and charcuterie with Rogen Angelini and Vin D’Angelo over the weekend, but yes. All’s well.”

Bayli gasped. “What was that about, Jewel? You haven’t seen either one of them in years.”

Waving a dismissive hand in the air, because Jewel did not want to travel this twisted path—she had not told Bayli or Scarlet about her encounter with either man at the gala—she said, “It was strictly business. Related to the house of cards.”

“So, Rogen knows you want the land?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes. And Vin has advised him to not provide the third signature I need.”

“What?!” Bayli blurted.

“It’s a long and complicated story,” Jewel told them with a shake of her head.

“Jesus,” Scarlet added. “Isn’t it always that way with the three of you?”

“Yes. Unfortunately, it hasn’t gotten any easier.” However, Jewel had returned to the adage of out of sight, out of mind. For her own sanity. “It doesn’t matter, really. I’m extremely close to getting what I want, and that’s where my focus is.”

Granted, even coveted real estate was a sorry second to Rogen and Vin. But there was no way she could ever choose between the two of them. And there might not even be the possibility of it, especially with Vin so angsty toward her. So why deliberate over a potentially nonexistent scenario?

If Jewel had her inn to concentrate on and preoccupy every waking minute, that would make her happy. She could live with that as the main fulfillment in her life.


One erotic thought did continue to sizzle and snap in her mind, though.

She asked her friends, “Either of you know Holly McCormick?”

“Not well,” Scarlet said. “She was in town for about a year, then left for six months. Just now returned. She’s a Realtor, but I think she has some other business ventures elsewhere.”


“Why do you ask?” This from Bayli.

“Just curious. Have you ever heard of her mentioned along with Rogen … or Vin?”

“Sure,” Scarlet said with a devious smile. “France says Holly has the hots for both guys. And they’ve both dated her.”

“Just dated?” Jewel innocently ventured.

“Apparently, anything’s possible with those two,” Scarlet said. And winked.

All righty, then. Nuff of that line of questioning.


, Cameron entered the office, giving Jewel an excuse to get off the topic of her two favorite men. She told her friends, “I have to go, ladies. I’ve got one crazy whirlwind escapade to embark on.”

“Good luck,” Bayli said.

“If you need us for anything, let us know,” Scarlet added. “Fingers and toes crossed. Not the legs, though. I seriously need to get laid.”

“I’m so certain my assistant needed to hear that.” Jewel laughed.

They said their good-byes and Jewel disconnected the call.