“You like me inside you, don’t you?”

“Impossible to think of anything more exciting. Or arousing.”

“I’m more than happy to arouse you.”

“And you’re damn good at it.”

He was turned on himself. His cock glided along her slick walls, hitting various spots that made her gasp and moan, stimulating him further.

Her sweet surrender stirred his soul and intensified his feelings for her.

He plunged a bit deeper and she responded by squeezing him fiercely, eliciting a low growl from him.

“I really should have more stamina,” he admitted, “but with you, I lose it so quickly.”

“Then we’re both about to come?”

His thrusts quickened as he continued to stroke her clit. He felt the tiny shivers that moved through her body and heard the catch of her breath, indicators that she was on the edge. Thrusting steadily, he felt the tension grip her.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me.”

“Davian!” she cried.

He pumped faster and harder as she climaxed. “You’re so fucking wet.”

He erupted inside her as he whispered her name in her ear. His voice was full of yearnings he doubted Sheena would ever understand. He tried to keep the emotions between him and Jade this time. He didn’t know if he was successful, because Sheena was much too tactful to even make her presence known if she was close by, going about her daily business.

He kissed Jade’s shoulder.

As difficult as it was to do so, he told her, “Go with the slayers. Morgan and some of his men have been tracking the fire wraith. I don’t anticipate him coming back this way, but I have a patrol ready to scour the forest on my side of Ryleigh’s perimeter. The slayers will monitor the inner circle and your cottage. Don’t wander the woods alone. If you must go into the village or to the tavern, be sure Walker or Toran escorts you. Will you do this for me?”

She nodded. “I can’t hide out at home, I’ll go stir-crazy. But I won’t do anything spontaneous or reckless, either.”

He let out a long breath. “I would stay with you at the cottage, if I could. But that would undermine my authority here, create conflict within the village and…I need to be hunting the wraith myself. I can’t have him terrorizing you.”

“Or anyone else.”

“But mostly you.”

He withdrew from her and slipped from the bed. A knock on the door a moment later made him almost roll his eyes. Sheena was much too efficient. He retrieved the towel and slung it low on his hips, tucking in a corner, before opening the door.

His assistant handed over a bundle of clothes. “For Jade.” She even had tall boots and a black cape. “These are well insulated. She’ll be fine in the snow.”

“Coming down hard?”

“There’s practically a whiteout. The slayers are anxious to get her back to the village before the blizzard sets in.”

“Damn it,” he said. “The snow will make the border more difficult to patrol, with lack of visibility and freezing conditions.” Not a problem for his troops, but the slayers were mortal.

He slid a glance over his shoulder at Jade, who still huddled under the covers. Likely out of sheer embarrassment. He found that a humorous thought, given how uninhibited and vocal she’d been the night before. Or rather, it was a charming, endearing notion, following all the twists and turns she’d presented as she’d challenged him every step of the way. For a good cause.

Shifting his attention back to Sheena, he said, “Jade will be out in a couple of minutes. Take her downstairs and then send Morgan up after he’s seen her and the slayers off. They brought an additional horse?”

Sheena nodded. Then she said in such a conspiratorial voice, he was certain only he heard her, “Do you think she’s still in danger?”

“Depends on where the fire wraith is and what his true intentions are.”

“Then how can you let her leave the castle, my Lord?”