“Nor will you if the urge for a repeat performance strikes you.”

“Mm, so tempting.”

He set aside his papers and stood. “What’s tempting is your warm breath on my neck and that alluring fragrance you’re wearing. Where did you find it?”

“You don’t use the bath salts in your vast collection?”

“No. I rarely use the tub. Jocelyn puts out the dispensers. I always assumed they were for decoration.” He rounded the sofa and pulled Jade into his arms. She wore the red robe and slippers Sheena had left her, the color a perfect complement to her creamy skin, dark hair and deep-blue eyes. “Nice to know someone enjoyed them.”

“Did I ever.” She sighed contentedly. A sound he loved hearing when it came from her.

“And what about the book?”

She shrugged. “It’s off to a very pretentious and conniving start. To be so obsessed with marrying off your daughter to a rich man no one’s even met yet. How absurd.”

“It was not uncommon back then. What do you think of Mr. Darcy?”

“I haven’t gotten to him yet. Why?” she asked. “Is he going to sweep me off my feet?”

Davian did just that, scooping her up in his arms. “Only I reserve the right.”

“That’s very territorial of you.”

“I can’t help it. And it wouldn’t hurt you to be obsequious from time to time.”

She laughed. “What does that mean?”

“Submissive,” he murmured. And felt the tremble along her spine.

“Well,” she said, breathless. “I can’t afford to be as whimsical as Lizzy and her four sisters currently are. But I have no problem with giving you whatever it is you want from me this evening.”

He set her on the bed and leaned over her. “You’d stay here naked and let me do anything that came to mind? Explore your body with my hands and mouth? Give you pleasure…make you come…over and over?”

Her teeth sank into her plump lower lip. Heat flared in her eyes. “Really?” she countered provocatively. “You think I’d take exception to that?”

He tilted his head to one side. “I haven’t told you the rules yet.”

“Rules?” The desire in her hypnotic irises intensified as intrigue seemed to grip her.

“Yes. You can’t distract me from what I’m doing. So no touching me or our fun will be over before we’ve even started.”

She sat up. Her fingers skated over his abs, making his muscles flex and his cock swell. “But I like touching you.”

He reached for the attached belt at her waist and untied it. Then he slipped the robe over her shoulders and down her arms. “I like it too. Too much.”

She lifted slightly and he whisked away the satin material. He had no idea where Sheena had produced an article of clothing that fit Jade, except to surmise it had come from her personal wardrobe, since they were almost the same height. Anything from his closet would swallow her up. And, of course, it wouldn’t be the least bit feminine.

His head dipped and his lips brushed over hers. “Do you agree to my terms?”

“What choice do I have? You are the king.”

He snickered at her teasing. “Yes, I am.” Stepping away from her, he unfastened the tie around the thick mass of bronze-colored silk drape that matched all the others hanging from the twelve-foot-tall bedposts in all corners.

Jade eyed him curiously. “Not going to take my word that I won’t touch you?”

“No.” He grinned at her. “You have a way of turning things around and I don’t want to be sidetracked until I’m done.”

Uncertainty crossed her face, but for a split second. Then she said, “Lizzy would panic over a moment like this.”