Though exhaustion crept around her consciousness. So too did the allure of an escape from the nearly debilitating slivers of pain shredding every inch of her.

Davian took large drinks from the tumbler—evidently needing that self-medicating again, given the agony she was in—before depositing it on the nightstand. He dragged a chair over and sat alongside her.

“What else can I do?”

“Nothing. I’m not going to be able to stay awake. I won’t heal much while I’m asleep, but resting will return some of my energy, so I can continue when I wake up.”

His gaze slid to her hand. “The blood flow has already slowed and it’s soaking into your skin.” He skimmed two fingers over her temple. “Are you warm enough?”


He bent his head and kissed her softly. “If I could take all this misery away, I would.”

She attempted another smile. No go. Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks. “Don’t try to read my mind. It’ll hurt you more.”

“I’m not the one you should be concerned about.”

“Take a look in a mirror,” she muttered. “I know I look horrific, but so do you. Or, rather…haunted. Don’t attempt to project anything I feel onto yourself to minimize it for me, Davian. Promise me you won’t try.”

“It’s my fault you’re injured,” he said. “And there I was the other day, telling you I didn’t want your friend Michael to hurt you again. I’ve gone and done it myself.”

“You’re not to blame.”

“Yes, I am,” he whispered. His lips grazed her cheek, then her jaw. “I didn’t keep you safe.”

“I didn’t let you.”

He sighed. “This castle isn’t the home you love. I understand why you insisted on staying there, not here. But until you’re healed, please sleep in my bed.”

Honestly, there was no place she’d rather be while she recovered. Especially not alone and suffering in her cottage. But an unnerving thought flitted through her nearly numb brain. “The slayers will look for me. They’ll see the tracks and the blood in the snow and come to the castle for me. They’ll want to take me back.”

“Not until you’re well,” he murmured, his breath teasing her neck, soothing her. “Just get better. I’ll deal with everything else.”

Her eyelids closed once more and she couldn’t help but give into the drowsiness that consumed her. As she’d done earlier, she had to place her faith in the Demon King and believe no one would harm her while she was in his care. And hope she was right about her healing process—that it wouldn’t come to a grinding halt while she slept.

If so, she’d never wake up.

All hell would break loose for the slayers, Michael, the villagers…and the Demon King.

Chapter Seven

Davian felt sick to his stomach. Not a common occurrence for an immortal of any species and most certainly not him. His gut contracted so tight his abs were sore. And deep in his damned heart and soul, an unfamiliar sensation taunted him. The human sleeping restlessly in his bed unleashed emotions within him so potent, he wondered if lust had become an extreme understatement for the feelings he had for Jade.

He kept the fire roaring in the hearth, and the natural rosy color returned to her lips. Her cheeks glowed with a similar tint. She’d lost whatever shoes she’d been wearing during the attack, if she’d had a chance to slip into them at all. He pulled the turned-down duvet from its folded position at the foot of the bed and carefully covered her with it.

The temptation to slip into her mind was difficult to resist, despite her request—one he actually hadn’t vowed to honor. Returning to his bedside chair, he brushed strands of hair from her face, gently so as not to disturb her. Possibly, in her slumber, her thoughts might be more serene. If he could further calm them so she could regain her str

ength, it was worth pushing past his own despair over her distressed state in order to assist her.

He took another sip of brandy and relaxed in his chair. Closing his eyes, he concentrated his thoughts solely on Jade. That was how he could invade her subconscious mind.

Envisioning himself lying next to her, his arm around her as she slept, he stroked her hair and whispered, “You’re safe here. With me.”

She snuggled closer to him. The misery she experienced pulsed within him now as well. Brutalizing him further because he didn’t want her to ever suffer the way she currently did.

“I’ll take care of you.” His fingers swept over her cheek. “Just lie here with me. Sleep and heal.”

Davian continued to hold her and smooth his fingers over her hair in his mental image, enduring the pain. Attempting to buffer hers, if at all possible.