Page 118 of The Demon King Davian

“You can say that again.”

She laughed through her pain. “Let’s not rub it in.”

He was reflective a moment, then said, “I realize it’s time I move on. Maybe ask Jessica Delfino or Krista Kelly on a date.”

Her brow crooked. “Where would you go? What would you do?”

“Damned if I know,” he said with a shrug. “I’ve never been on a real date.”

“Well, whatever you decide, make it romantic. I’ve recently discovered women enjoy that kind of thing.”

He grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She stood on the foot rail of her stool and leaned over the bar. After kissing Michael on the cheek, she said, “You’re still my best friend.”

“Even though I’m not a demon?”

“Don’t be a jerk.” She jumped to the ground. “Gotta go. I have more work to do.” She headed toward the door, but turned back and commented, “You know, people around town started sprucing up their storefronts and displays when the king began sending all those new items our way. Maybe you should sand the ridges out of the bar and jazz the place up a bit.”

“You’re knocking my joint?” He shot her a sardonic look. “Is this your idea of spreading goodwill?”

She gave it thought, then nodded. “We have to help ourselves out of the Dark Ages, right? I’ll see you later.”

As Jade wandered toward the library, she realized what she was doing with her unplanned visits. She’d consciously chosen not to stay at the cottage and wallow in her sorrow.

Granted, she wasn’t fully facing the agony of heartbreak head-on, but she also wasn’t holding back when it came to discussing her scandalous and now-debilitated affair. Surprisingly, she found a degree of relief in not keeping the tormenting debacle buried inside her. For the first time, she was truly confiding in her human friends. And it felt good.

Entering the library, she smiled as Lisette glanced up from a book.

“No coffee?” her friend quipped.

“Totally forgot. You want some?”

“No, I was only joking. What brings you by?”

Jade pointed to the desk in the corner. “Typewriter. Will it bother you if I peck away a bit more? I’ve decided I am going to write a book. At least attempt to, though it’ll take me several years at the pace of my clicking on the keys.”

“I told you, you?

??ll get used to their arrangement and will gain more speed. But the design of the machine calls for slower progress so you don’t jam the metal arms that hit the paper.”

Lisette came over and demonstrated, pounding out a slew of letters that caused the short rods to stick in a clumped mess before they could tap the paper and leave their mark.

“Gotcha,” Jade said. “Slow and steady wins the race.”

She discarded the sheet and inserted a fresh one. Having no real idea where to begin, she let her instinct and her heart guide her.

Chapter One

North America, 2054

Not all humans are good.

Not all demons are evil.

* * *

“You didn’t enjoy the veal, my Lord?” Sheena asked as she swept into the castle’s formal banquet hall.