She returned to the sofa. Davian remained quiet as he seethed or bristled or did whatever he did that made him even more intimidating with his broody air.

Prickly sensations made her say, “If that’s what you came here to tell me, I get the message loud and clear. We can’t be together, but don’t try to hand me off to someone you kept me from being with in the first place.”

Her own temper boiled. She crossed her arms and legs, awaiting his response. Endless minutes ticked by, until he finally joined her on the couch.

“You deserve more than this, Jade. I can give you a lot—but, as I’ve mentioned, I can’t give you everything.”

“I’m not asking for anything.”

“That’s the problem.”

He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs, his hands dangling between his parted legs. A defeated look, she decided. And one she found disconcerting, particularly coming from him.

She said, “You realize we’re just picking at a scab, right? And there’s nothing healed or pleasant underneath.”

“Maybe that’s why we’ve come back to this.” His gaze shifted from the fire to her. “You have to admit, we’re similar in many respects.”

“And worlds apart in others.”

His voice lowered. “It doesn’t have to be that way.”

“Yes, it does. I can’t change who I am—I wouldn’t if I could. And I know my place.”

He swept his fingers through her hair. “I admire that about you. But I also want to alter it.”

“I don’t.” Jade unfolded her arms and linked one with his, leaning into him.

He glanced down at her and she stared deep into his eyes, wishing she had the magic words to take away the haunting notions that plagued him. “Davian, I’m okay with being human and facing an hourglass with the sand running out. When my time is up, it’ll be infinitely more peaceful for me. Until then, I’m content with my position in this community. I can live with the destiny designed for me.”

His brow furrowed. “Anyone can do that, Jade. But to change it… That takes courage and imagination.”

She moved in closer and whispered against his lips, “You exhaust me the way your mind constantly churns.”

He let out a lustful sigh. “I’d like to exhaust you with my body.”

Sliding into his lap, she wound her arms around his neck and said, “You didn’t just come here to bring me reading material, did you? Or to spew some sort of valiant and selfless crap about wanting me to build a life with another man.”

“I do want you to be happy.”

Heat flowed through her veins and her heart swelled. “Then take me to bed.”

Chapter Fourteen

Davian’s groin tightened at the prospect. Though he hesitated. “I just told you to marry someone else.”

“Yes, but you didn’t actually mean it.” A sly smile crossed her lips. “I may lack romantic experience, but I can see through a ploy such as that. And while, yes, it might better my situation in some aspects, it wouldn’t in others. It would be false. You have to know that. And Michael deserves more than a tiny piece of my heart that now only feels friendship toward him.”

“Love can grow from that.”

She shook her head. “Stop talking about this. You’d be an ogre if you knew I was with Michael, and I wouldn’t wish that on Sheena, Jocelyn and Morgan. Or your horse.”

His tense jaw loosened. “You have a point. They might resort to mutiny.”

“Never. They’re loyal to you. Devoted enough to help a human you care about.”

“I do care about you,” he said in a fierce tone. “That’s why I have to stay away from you. If the fire wraith comes back and monitors the situation, he needs to believe you no longer hold meaning for me. He’ll leave you alone.”

She snuggled close to him. “And yet, here you are…”