“All right,” he murmured. And handed her over to Morgan.

Davian climbed onto the Arabian’s back. The general delicately passed Jade to him and Davian was strong and big enough to whisk her upward and cradle her against his body as she huddled in his lap. His heat was a welcomed relief, though her teeth still chattered. Her breath came in shallow pants because she was unable to slow it with the sharp stabs and throbbing she felt. And the biting cold.

With one arm around her and the other hand grasping the reins, he said, “Your lips are turning blue and you’re trembling. Stay conscious so you can heal.”

Trying. She couldn’t even utter the word.

Davian jerked on the reins and his Arabian took off, galloping through the snow, crossing the arched bridge and then speedily navigating the thick forest before ascending the steep hill that led to the ridge on which the castle sat.

Jade’s lids dipped slightly as she and Davian entered the kingdom through the enormous gates of the castle’s courtyard, though she did everything she could to stay alert. Morgan was right behind them and he helped her down so Davian could dismount. Then she was in the king’s arms again and he carried her inside, the general at his heels.

“Have the vampires leave the castle until further notice,” Davian instructed. “She’s wary of them. And send patrols along the village perimeter in the event the fire wraith returns.”

“My Lord,” came Morgan’s clipped acquiescence and he peeled off to do as bade.

Jade snuggled against the king’s wide chest, heat oozing from his physical exertion and possibly his worry over her. His internal temperature defied the inclement weather and was a tremendous comfort to her.

He took her deeper into the elaborate mansion. The pain in her hand and wrist was still horrendous, but her spine felt better.

Regardless of her being in his arms, he was able to take the grand staircase two steps at a time. His long stride had them crossing the landing and rushing down a huge corridor so quickly, she barely had a chance to take in her surroundings.

With a swift kick to the double doors, causing them to fly open, he surged into an enormous room that looked to be a study.

“My Lord?” a woman’s voice called out in surprise.

Jade flinched. He had a wife? A girlfriend? A bedmate?

“Don’t worry,” Davian said, as though he’d read her thoughts. She wondered if he had. “Sheena is my assistant. She’s a vampire, but she won’t harm you.” He turned his head and said to the woman who suddenly appeared at his side and matched his pace, “Spend the night elsewhere, Sheena.”

She sniffed the air, picking up Jade’s scent, then glared at him. “You think I can’t handle myself with a human?” Her indignation was amplified by her elegant British accent.

“She’s bleeding. Badly. Bones protruding from the skin.”

“I’ll get water and towels.”

“Sheena,” he said in apparent warning.

“If you doubt my loyalty to you, your Majesty, you may as well sever my employment now.”

He sighed. “I don’t doubt you. I just don’t want to push you past your comfort zone. I can manage.”

“Hmm. We’ll see about that.”

The redhead flashed ahead of them, with such haste and stealth it made Jade’s eyes cross. Sheena threw open another set of double doors and they entered a bedroom that was larger than Jade’s entire cottage and the property surrounding it. Davian set her gently on the humungous bed, keeping the cloak tucked around her body. Moving away from her for only a few moments, Jade’s savior stoked the fire until it glowed bright and warmed her.

Meanwhile, the vampire retreated to a sunken area with a marble floor that likely led to the bathroom.

Davian returned to her side and sat gingerly on the edge of the mattress, despite his size. ?

?What can I do to help?”

Through clenched teeth as she tried to keep the horror from her voice because of his tormented look, she ground out, “Set the bones.”

He blew a sharp breath. “That’ll hurt like hell.”

“Yes,” she said, her tone strained. “But I can’t do it on my own. I can’t get past the pain I’m feeling right now to inflict more. I need you to do it for me.”

He jumped to his feet and paced alongside the bed. Sheena returned, placing a bowl of water and towels on the nightstand. Then she pulled back the cloak.