Page 129 of The Demon King Davian

Looking indignant, though he knew it was feigned, she insisted, “No one has ever said that to me before.”


He carried her down the stairs and they mounted Thunder. Back at Jade’s cottage, she disappeared into the bedroom, but returned a few seconds later.

Between her finger and thumb, she held up the ring he’d given her. “Will you propose again? I want to say yes this time. Officially.”

Taking the ring from her, he studied it a moment, then glanced back at her. “I once told you I felt less powerful when it comes to you because I can’t give you everything you might need or desire. I said that because, at the time, you were mortal and I didn’t know you were a demi-demon. I didn’t know enough about you, in general. That’s changed. And continues to change. Evolve, as you said earlier.”

He smoothed a hand along her hair, plucking a few leaves she’d obviously collected while searching for the necklace.

Davian swore to her, “I will give you anything and everything your heart desires.”

“As long as it doesn’t threaten my safety?”

“That goes without saying.”

She laughed softly. “I hear you loud and clear. I will be very careful. Even as an immortal, I know I still have weaknesses. Just remember, I can’t make full guarantees. I’ll only upset you in the long run if you expect that of me.”

“Fair enough.” He could certainly breathe easier now that she was immortal. But he’d be a fool to think she’d obey his every command. He innately knew that was one of the things that would keep the spark between them. “Call me masochistic, but for some reason, I’m willing to put up with your insolence.”

“I’m not insolent, I’m stubborn. There is a difference.” She kissed him, passionately and hungrily. As though she’d missed him as much as he’d missed her. When she finally pulled away, she was breathless. But she said, “Now, ask me.”

He knelt on one knee, honoring a human tradition for her. Taking her left hand in his, he gazed up at her and said, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing I wouldn’t give you. I love you with all my heart, for all of eternity, Jade. Will you be my wife?”

Her smile was a radiant one.

Unfortunately, it quickly faded.

Davian scowled. “What? I did exactly as you asked.”

“Yes…except… It just occurred to me that I don’t know your last name. Do demons have last names?”

“No,” he said, confused by her train of thought.

“Then I’ll be… Mrs. Davian?” The corner of her mouth dipped. “That’s sort of ridiculous, don’t you think?”

Surnames… Another human tradition—one he hadn’t considered. One he’d never needed to. “No. You’ll be the queen.”

“Formally, yes. But in reality, I’m still me, since you don’t have a last name.” She seemed to find this an intriguing and pleasing notion, no doubt given her independent nature and the fact it kept her connected to her family name.

Who was he to argue?

“My love,” he said, still astounded by her constant passion for such things and wholly captivated and enthralled by her, “once committed to me, you will henceforth be known as Jade Deville, the Demon Queen.” He kissed the top of her hand. “By royal decree.”

Tears sprang to her eyes, as if she knew precisely why he’d made that decision. “Well, who’s going to question that? After all… You are the king.”

He resisted the urge to snicker at her quip when it came to those four words he’d adamantly reminded her of in the past.

“And you’ll be my wife?” he asked.

She nodded and smiled again as a few drops slid down her cheeks. “Forever and ever.”

He slipped the ring on her finger.

Then he stood and pulled her into his strong embrace, loving the feeling of her body against his, her breath on his neck, her arms holding him just as tightly.

For the first time since the Demon War had erupted, Davian found peace.