Page 128 of The Demon King Davian

“A word of caution,” he said, though he kept his voice light. “You’re invincible against a normal human. But not necessarily a slayer or a vanquishing spell. Or another demon. You’ll be harder to kill, but not impossible.”

“I’m definitely not invincible. Sheena pointed that out the other night.”

“Bear it in mind. Although…” He reached for his dagger with his free hand.

“You’re not going to stab me in the heart, are you?”

He laughed at her jest, remembering their first encounter of this nature in the library. “Trust me.”


Raising their twined hands, Davian shifted his hold on her so he exposed her palm. Then he slowly dragged the blade over her flesh. It split and blood oozed, as it had in the past.

She gasped. “Was that really necessary?”

“What do you feel?”

“It hurts, but… Not the way it did the last time.”

“So your threshold for pain has increased.”

As had her self-healing abilities. Within seconds, the blood absorbed into her skin and the wound sealed. Not a scar to be seen.

Snatching her hand from his, she stared at her flawless flesh. “Unbelievable. I’ve never healed that quickly.”

“What’s so difficult to believe?” he asked. “After all, you are part-demon. Immortality is much more compatible with demons than with humans. Your gifts are now sharpened, as are your senses.”

“Fascinating. I want to test it further.” Turning away, she said in an enthusiastic tone, “See that pile of rubble there in the corner? All that stone—it’s a heavier mass than anything I’ve ever tried to lift with my mind.”

His gaze alternated from her to the enormous heap and back. He didn’t say a word as she focused. Determination exuded from her, and suddenly, the mound vibrated and began to rise.

“Extraordinary,” he mumbled. But a stone slipped. “Wait. You dropped one.”

She released the pile and it crashed to the hard floor with a resounding thud and a plume of dirt and debris. “I never claimed to be perfect.”

He grinned down at her. “I think you are.”

Facing him, hope shining in her eyes, she asked, “Does this mean we’ll be getting married, after all?”

Without a second thought, he swept her up in his arms and said, “You didn’t think we?

?d spend an eternity living in sin, did you?”

She twined her arms around his neck. “I suppose not. You’re much more conventional than that. But…what about the living arrangements?”

“I did mention compromising earlier, didn’t I?”

She snuggled close to him and provocatively queried, “If we were to spend three nights a week at the castle, and three nights at the cottage, and I used the seventh night to relieve Toran on evening patrol… That would be a compromise, yes?”

Davian groaned. “You’re not still hell-bent on slayer duties, are you?”

“Of course. As well as ambassador duties. Friendship duties. Wifely duties…” She smiled seductively at him. “Any complaints, my Lord?”

If he had even one, would he ever win against her? Doubtful. “Suit yourself. But I should get top priority, don’t you think?”

“Hmm. We’ll see how that pans out for you. You know how much I like being on top.” She winked, conveying her sexual innuendo.

He shook his head. “You are such a pain in the ass.”