Page 38 of High Voltage

the blood at her feet. There was a trail from where she stood to the grass where Garrett had lain.

"Shit.” She ran back into the lodge and was eternally grateful to find that three women were already on the job. They had buckets and mops and they efficiently swept past her and out to the porch.

Serena tried to follow, but one tall, statuesque blonde turned back to her and said, “Let us take care of this. You take care of him.” Her chin lifted as she gestured in the direction in which Robert had taken Garrett.

"Thank you.” Serena turned sharply on the balls of her bare feet and dashed off to the elevator.

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High Voltage: Chapter 16

Garrett had serious doubts about his recovery. He could barely move. Hell, it was damn near impossible to draw in half a breath. Or swallow. Robert had done a good job getting him into bed, but Garrett had felt some snaps and pops during the process. He hoped he hadn't punctured a lung. That would be a bitch to heal. And if it didn't happen quickly enough, which was possible given the extensive injuries he'd sustained, he'd die.

The thought made him want to clench his fists at his side, but even that much movement was impossible to manage. He couldn't even turn his head to the side when someone entered his dark bedroom. Sensing it was Serena, he wanted desperately to muster some strength for her, make her believe he was on the mend. That he would be okay.

But Garrett could do no more than crack his eyes a tiny bit and stare at the ceiling above him.

He heard a soft shuffle and knew she'd just pulled a chair up to the bed. Her breathing filled the quiet room and echoed in his ears. She was deeply distressed, he could tell by the labored pants and the occasional sniffle.

I'll be okay.

Garrett wanted nothing more than to be able to say the words out loud, but he couldn't speak. His throat was too tight and he was just too damn weak.

His only consolation was that Braedan was dead.

Unfortunately, though, Garrett had slain him in front of Serena.


His eyes squeezed shut. How on earth was she going to get that image out of her mind?

And what must she think of him?

His heartbeat kicked up a notch or two as dread crept up on him. He wanted to speak to her, to comfort her. But he couldn't move a single muscle.

As though she sensed his agony, she reached a hand out and placed it gently on his shoulder. Her touch was light and tentative, but it did wonders for Garrett's psyche. He didn't make her recoil with disgust or loathing.

That was something to be relieved about.

"Robert says it may be a day or two before you're fully recovered,” she said in a quiet voice. “You just have to lie still and let your body heal. He said you're in pretty bad shape.” This last part seemed to choke her up. Her tone was a bit thicker, a bit raspier. When she pulled in a breath, he could hear how shaky it was.

Garrett groaned. Christ, if he could just speak to her. He opened his mouth but no words were forthcoming. His throat was all but closed up. It was a wonder he was even breathing. In fact, it was a complete and utter shock he was even conscious.

"Don't try to talk,” she said. “Just ... listen.” Serena moved closer to him. Garrett felt her settle an elbow next to him. She was careful not to jar him, but she managed to move in close. He felt her warm skin against his, heard the soft rasp of her breath, felt a lone teardrop hit his bare arm.

"I hate that this has happened to you. I hate that I can't do anything to help you.” She was quiet a moment, then added, “I wish you would have shifted sooner. I know you didn't want to do it in front of me and I'm so sorry that kept you in wolf form ... kept you from healing."

More tears splashed on his bicep. Garrett's heart constricted, as though a large hand squeezed it tight. If he died tonight, he felt certain it would be from emotional pain, not physical.

"All I care about right now is that you get better,” she continued. “What happened in the courtyard ... You did that to protect me. And Robert. You did it because you had to. I understand that, Garrett. And I can accept it. I can accept everything about you."

His insides coiled tight, but Garrett forced his eyes open. It took more energy than he knew he possessed at the moment, but he did it. His head lolled to the side and he stared at Serena. The image was a bit distorted, but he could see past the fuzziness to the woman who held his heart.

Wanting nothing more to hold her in his arms, he tried to shift on the bed.

"No, don't!” she said, alarmed. “Don't move. Robert said you can't move. Oh, God! Please don't move!"

He settled back against the pile of pillows and let out a low groan.