Staring down at her, he said in a gentler tone, “I’m not questioning your ability to protect yourself or to help us, Jane. I simply can’t experience again what I

went through with Celine. Particularly when it comes to you.”

“I understand that,” she said, letting go of some of her own frustration. “It’s the same for me when it comes to you and Cray. It was horrific losing Sean and we weren’t bound together the way the three of us are. But I don’t think there’s any other choice than to take me with you.”

“She’s right.” Cray didn’t even hesitate or vacillate further over the course of action they needed to take. “You won’t be able to focus on what needs to be done if she’s not with us. Neither will I. You’re already tormented by knowing that to avenge Celine’s death, and your cousin’s, you have to destroy Vincent. If Jane’s not with us, your emotions will be doubly taxed.”

Jane hated the pressure they put on Jude. She could feel how heavily this decision weighed on his soul.

She said, “I won’t do anything to intentionally put myself in jeopardy. I’ll do whatever you ask of me. Just…take me with you.”

He nodded. “It’s right up there with imprinting on you. I have no choice in the matter, do I?”

Though he was resigned to the inevitable, she could see it still troubled him greatly. But she wouldn’t concede. She had to be with them.

“I’ll tell Drake while you get us a cab. I have a backpack at home. I can be changed and packed in seconds.”

She rushed out of the room, telling the salon attendant—who Drake had obviously instructed not to bother them—to lock the salon door and not let anyone in. Drake would have to replace the sofa before he reopened that room.

Quickly making her way upstairs, she shared with Drake everything—well, almost everything—that had transpired downstairs with Jude and Cray, including telling him about Celine and Vincent. When she got to the part where they’d all agreed she’d go with her imprinters, Drake shot to his feet and planted his hands on his desk, leaning forward and pinning her with a hard and somewhat crazed look.

“Absolutely not, Jane!” he spat. “You can’t possibly consider going on a hunt like that and putting yourself in danger.”

“We’re long past considering, Drake.” She fought to keep the exasperation from her tone—all of her men seemed inclined to protect her. Not a bad thing by any means, but somewhat inconvenient at the moment, given the circumstances. Rushing on, she said, “It’s a done deal. I just feel bad I’m leaving you in a bit of a lurch. I said I’d stay on at Body Scenes and now I’m reneging.”

“Body Scenes is my responsibility, ultimately. Don’t worry about the club. But, Jane,” his expression turned grave, “are you sure you know what you’re doing? What you’re getting yourself into?”

She sighed. “I know I’ll go stark raving mad if I’m here and they’re out there…somewhere…and I have no way to keep tabs on them.”

“I’m sure they have cell phones,” he said in a dry tone.

“They’ll be in wolf form, Drake. They’re hunting, for Christ’s sake.”

He groaned. “You and two wolves out looking for a murderous ex-pack member. Yes, that sits really well with me, Jane.”

“I know how you feel. I’m sorry. I hate that you’ll worry about me. But I’ll have my cell. I promise to keep in touch. I also swore to do exactly as the alpha tells me to do, so you know I’ll be safe.”

One of his dark brows lifted. “You swore to do exactly as someone tells you to? You, Jane? Really?”

She laughed. “You’d be surprised the concessions I’m willing to make for these two. I belong with them, Drake. But I will return. After all of this is over, I’ll come back so I can see you and Shana. Following that, I believe I’ll be moving to Montana.”

“Montana! Jane, what are you thinking?” His look turned incredulous.

“Drake,” she said in a soft tone meant to pacify him. Emotion welled within her as she implored, “You have a new wife. Let me have a new life.”

He raked a hand through his dark hair as a puff of air hissed through his lips. She adored him for caring so much about her, but her mind was made up. And she knew it was the right decision.

“Fine,” he finally said, clearly seeing in her eyes this was what she truly desired. “You know all I want is for you to be happy. If this is what you want—”

“It is,” she assured him.

“Please call me,” he insisted. “Regularly. I don’t give a damn whether your alpha gets annoyed. He’ll just have to deal with it.”

She smiled. “He’s learning how to share me.”

“I’m sure I don’t even want to know to what extent.”

“Good. I don’t have time to dish the details. Although…Salon B does need a new sofa.”