In a low voice, Jude said to Cray, “You stay with her. They’ll try to attack me from the east, but I’ll counterattack.”

Jane tensed. “You can’t take on all three of them.”

Cray actually had the audacity to chuckle. “Watch him.”

Jude moved away from her and Jane felt an instant void, like half of her was suddenly hollow.

Cray said, “Trust him. He knows what he’s doing.”

A few splinters of moonlight penetrated the bushy-topped trees surrounding them, partially illuminating the clearing where this challenge would take place. Jude stripped off his clothes in a hasty fashion. He was a tall, dark figure for just a few seconds more. Then he lunged forward, diving into the air and landing as the sleek, dark-as-night wolf she’d imagined he’d be.

The transformation left her breathless. The virility of him seemed to shoot out from every lean and furry inch of him. Beside her, Cray shed his clothes and shifted too. He stood next to her in wolf form, all shaggy, sandy brown fur and hypnotic blue eyes.

She’d never been a dog lover, but suddenly, she understood why those who were always seemed ripped apart when theirs went missing. She’d be devastated too, she knew, as she ran a hand over Cray’s back, feeling the silky strands of his fur against her skin.

The severity of the situation resonated deep within her. It only got worse.

Instantly, Jude and Vincent became a tangled black-and-silver blur as they rolled around on the grassy ground, snarling and snapping at each other, occasionally making contact, which resulted in a whimper or a howl. Both sounds shredded Jane’s insides.

Frightened for Jude, she took a step forward, but Cray was quick to move in front of her, blocking her path. Not that she couldn’t have easily cleared him by jumping over him. But she understood the gesture for what it was. The other two wolves allowed the alphas to fight, but when Jude took a vicious bite out of Vincent’s shoulder and the wolf cried out, his two pack members advanced on Jane and Cray. As though wanting to even the score or distract Jude.

Jane’s fear escalated but she didn’t back down. She lowered into a crouch again, prepared to spring. In front of her, Cray growled at the wolves closing in. One drew up short but then they both continued their path toward Jane. She was torn between watching Jude and Vincent and being afraid of what might happen to her and Cray.

With no warning whatsoever, Cray lunged forward, attacking one of the wolves. The other one rushed Jane. Vampire instincts took over. She leapt into the air, her body sailing forward and slamming into the wolf. Pain lanced through every inch of her, but only for a second. They fell to the ground, Jane on top of the enormous animal. One large paw swiped at her, the claws digging deep into her arm and drawing blood, causing her to cry out.

Anger overrode agony though. In her fury, her hand closed over the wolf’s throat, then jerked back, taking a substantial amount of fur and flesh with her. The shifter made a bloodcurdling sound as its body convulsed. Jane shot to her feet, prepared to continue the battle. The wolf had no fight left in him. He rolled onto his side and wheezed his last breath.

Her eyes snapped to Jude and Vincent, still tangled together, rolling on the ground because neither could gain leverage over the other. Her gaze moved to Cray just as his sharp teeth sank into the neck of his attacker. Cray’s head whipped from side to side, ripping the throat from the wolf.

Relief flooded her veins as Cray trotted over to the twisted mess that was Jude and Vincent. But that relief was short-lived. Blood covered the grass where they fought and she could smell that most of it was Jude’s. Her insides seized up. She was about to join the fight when three more, very distinct, scents filled the small clearing.

She froze in place, her anxiety rising.

Cray’s head turned back to her. He watched as the three wolves entered the clearing, moving slowly, but stealthily. They surrounded Jane. When Cray gave a nod of his head toward them, she knew they belonged to Jude’s pack.

The advantage seemed to give Jude extra momentum, because he got to his feet and circled the other injured wolf before diving toward the ground again and going straight for Vincent’s throat. The fight ended a second later and Jude was the victor.

He shifted back to human form instantly. He dragged on his briefs and pants, then scooped up his shirt and rushed over to Jane. He wrapped the material around her bleeding arm, fear and concern stamped across his face.

“I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “I self-heal too.” Regardless, her body shook at the thought of how close she’d come to losing her two imprinters. She threw her arms around Jude and pressed her trembling body to his. Cray shifted and dressed, then joined them. Jane released Jude so she could embrace Cray.

“We’ll need to dispose of the bodies,” Jude said in a low tone.

“We’ll take care of them.”

A voice she didn’t recognize made Jane relinquish her hold on Cray and turn to the other wolves, who’d also changed back to human form, though they had no clothes on hand to cover themselves.

Jude made the introductions. “This is Brant, Alex and Neil. My pack.”

“Very nice to meet you,” Jane said as she stepped forward to shake their hands. “Jane Van Kamp.”

“She’s with us now,” Cray said, a hint of male pride in his tone.

“We saw you take down one of Vincent’s pack members,” Brant said. “Nice work.”

“Thank you. I had a lot at stake.” She turned back to Jude and Cray. “That’s it then? No more danger?”

Jude smiled at her. “No more danger.”