Page 3 of Until Jake

Good. The quicker they got the show on the road, the better!

“You were watching me?” he asked.

“Uh-huh,” Kate brazenly answered as tiny beads of perspiration popped out on her forehead and the back of her neck. Her hair suddenly felt heavy and oppressive. Pushing her free hand beneath the straight tresses, she lifted the strands so what little breeze there was could cool her skin.

His curiosity turned to amusement. “I didn’t realize we had an audience.”

We, who? As far as she was concerned, this was a one-man show. But she didn’t say that. “Hard to not notice when you’re working right outside my window. And since I’ve lost my bay view, I needed something to look at for creative inspiration. So…thanks.”

His grin widened. “Aha. I’m eye candy for the pretty executive.”

She shrugged, striving for nonchalance.

He twisted the cap off the water bottle and took a long swig. Kate’s gaze was glued to his throat as it worked down the water. The overwhelming urge to taste his glistening skin, knowing it would be salty and warm, made anticipation well within her. A sigh of longing bubbled upward, but she kept it from escaping her parted lips.

When he replaced the cap, he asked, “What’s your name?”


No need to exchange last names, right?

“Well, Kate.” He swiped his hand against his jean-clad thigh and then extended it to her. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jake.”

Of course he was. Rugged men like this one weren’t named Bob or Ted.

They were named Jake.

And she liked it.

Kate dropped her hair and slipped her hand in his. Her blood turned molten in her veins. With just that one simple touch. His skin was scorching—or maybe that was just her perception because he had her burning up so quickly. His palm was rough and she was instantly back to thinking of how his hands would feel on her bare breasts, the thumbs rubbing her nipples tight. Or better yet, his long fingers stroking her slick folds, then teasing her clit until she was breathless and crazed with desire. And when he pushed those strong fingers inside her…

Oh. Lord.

She stifled a moan.

It was time to take this bull by the horns!

“I’m grilling steaks tonight,” she said, her tone inviting. “You interested?”

The surprise on Jake’s face notwithstanding, she innately knew he’d consent. The flicker of awareness in his eyes and the way he gazed at her with such…hunger—and not for food—spoke volumes. He was into her.

There truly was a God in heaven!

“Say, seven o’clock?” she pressed. “Two-five-seven-one-one Historic Decateur Drive.”

“That’s just down the street.”

She nodded. “See you tonight.”

Reluctantly pulling her hand from his, she turned to go.

Be coy and intriguing. Don’t muck this up with more conversation.

This was all about sex.

Just sex.

A one-night stand to appease the urges clawing at her.