Page 100 of Dare Me (Take Me 2)

That made her pain even more excruciating.

She was just about to slam the lid shut when…

There was a flicker of light.

In the center of the screen.

Nikki’s pulse jumped.


Suddenly… There it was—the photo.

The photo.

The one of Nikki and Conner, which Kate had snapped at that precise and precious moment Nikki had told her husband she was pregnant.

The picture filled the screen. Their bright smiles filled the screen.

Tears instantly crested Nikki’s eyes and streamed down her suddenly flushed cheeks, so that she actually had to close the lid of the laptop. Immediately.

She pressed the tips of two trembling fingers above her upper lip. Not only to hide the quivering of her mouth, but also to alleviate some of the burning sensation in her nose. Though there was nothing she could do about the searing tears in her eyes.

Damen breathed an audible sigh of relief from across the suite. And returned to his dressing room. Giving her privacy to process this one incredibly crucial moment.

Everything she’d thought she’d recently lost had been regained.

With the exception of one thing.

She tore her gaze from the computer and stared at the very spot Damen had just vacated.

But she couldn’t alter her destiny at this point.

She grabbed the laptop, slipped it into her bag… And

left the suite.

Nikki knew he wouldn’t beg her to stay.

Chances were very good he’d told Mads not to make the plea again, either, because Nikki was able to slip out on Christmas morning. With no interruption.

She had a car waiting for her.

She told the driver to take her to Dulles.

She sat perfectly still and straight in her seat as they pulled from under the porte-cochere. She didn’t look back as they approached the massive gates at the front of the estate.

In fact, she kept that mental blockage in place all the way to the airport. Where she met up with Fiora Garcia.

They shook hands.

Nikki said, “I apologize for the short notice regarding my trip. But—”

“You knew I’d be available.” Fiora gave an amiable smirk. “I’m not one to pass up a new job opportunity when I’m clearly losing mine, but also… I’m intrigued by what you’re doing. Additionally, I think it’s wise of you to want a bodyguard, Nikki.”

“I suspect Damen has a person or two following me,” she quietly mused. She knew him that well.

“He does. However,” Fiora assured her, “having me with you, conspicuously, is going to serve you much better—give you more peace of mind. They’re busy trying to blend into the background. I’m quite obviously glued to your side.”