Page 112 of Dare Me (Take Me 2)

Tague jerked open the glass-and-metal door. The truth was, he’d only gone out for cocktails a handful of times over the past couple of years. No need to add fuel to Chip’s fire, though, so he didn’t mention his near non-existent dating activities. Tague was also still smarting over his split from Renee—a topic he avoided entirely with his friend.

Again evading thoughts of her, he asked, “What, exactly, is the purpose of this impromptu meet-and-greet?”

Granted, he was giving his best friend the benefit of the doubt, but shit. Tague knew there was no point in wasting fifteen minutes that could be better spent further prepping for a debrief he was scheduled to present this morning.

“The firm party Friday night,” Chip said. Reminded him, really. “Unless you pick up a date in five days, you’ll be the only junior partner there sans arm candy.”

Tague shot him a dour look. “That is not a term I’ve ever heard you use. You don’t subscribe to the arm candy theory as a means to spring-boarding one’s career any more than I do. My success in Tokyo speaks for itself.”

“There’s an image that’s necessary for the promotion to equity-partner you’re vying for—an image you have yet to cultivate, being the rebel of the Mason family.”

“To hell with the image,” Tague agitatedly muttered. “Look, this is ridiculous. Totally unwarranted. I don’t care if I’m the only on

e at the party without a date. I don’t need a date. I’ve put my name on the map by laying the groundwork to establish operations in Japan. I’ll do it time and time again, with or without a gorgeous wo—”


Said gorgeous woman suddenly appeared before him, flashing a vibrant smile that revealed perfectly straight, pearly white teeth and a seductive dimple in her left cheek that rendered Tague speechless.

Something that never happened.

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Excerpt: Royal Obsession

He’s an extraordinary ruler. But he’s no ordinary royal…

Of demon descent, Damien is powerful, formidable—and immortal. As king of the land he’s conquered, he now fights to maintain peace between the paranormal and the humans. Yet one fatal encounter causes the two worlds to collide and Damien finds himself facing the object of his secret obsession, mortal Jade Deville.

Enraged by broken human-demon treaties, Jade confronts Damien, knowing the danger she puts herself in by doing so. Yet she’s determined to protect her kind. Never in her wildest imagination, however, could she have fathomed the demon king to be so commanding in presence, so intensely intimidating, so…hot. Their attraction is instantaneous, fiery—and potentially deadly. Damien tries to stay away. But Jade is surrounded by danger, targeted by a sinister force…and not exactly everything she appears to be. An epic battle looms on the horizon that will test their skills, their loyalty and their love. And that’s only the start...

Note: This book was previously published with the title, The Demon King.

Chapter 1

Not all humans are good.

Not all demons are evil.

Jade Deville had heard those words uttered by her mother on more than one occasion. Never publicly, of course, for that would incite much controversy. Yet she would whisper in the darkness of Jade’s bedroom when, as a young girl, Jade asked about the various species so that she might better understand the dangerous creatures that ruled the world in which she lived.

Now twenty-six years old, Jade still had a difficult time understanding her mother’s stance. History books and the sparse remainder of humans across the continents following the decade-long world war that started in 2019 proved the demonic community was as deadly as terrorist attacks, bio-weaponry and nuclear bombs—the latter of which had been destroyed by the demons before combat had even ensued, effectively wiping out a large-scale defense.

Despite her mother’s empathy that had never fully been explained, Jade could not muster an ounce of compassion for the damned. After all, werewolves had viciously mauled her parents when she was just eleven, killing them both.

As she left her cottage on the banks of the narrow river that snaked its way along the outskirts of the village of Ryleigh, in northeastern Maine, she zipped her black leather jacket against the nip of the crisp autumn evening. And the biting sentiment lingering in the back of her mind, tonight more taunting than ever.

Plump snowflakes glistened in the silvery rays of moonlight that penetrated the spindle-fingered cloud cover overhead and the dense forest of skyscraping trees. Jade wove her way along the worn path that led to the heart of the village. The ground was hard beneath her feet, frozen, with a light dusting of white that would likely turn into a foot of fresh powder by the time she returned home.

If she returned home. One could never be too sure in this day and age, and Jade in particular.

Something watched her. She sensed its presence. Felt its gaze on her. This wasn’t the first time, and she was certain what followed her was not human. There were no snapping of twigs beneath its feet. No scent wafting on a stiff breeze. And she didn’t hear the slightest hint of breathing or see a puff of frosty air—as was the case with her, a human.

She suspected what tracked her was a wraith from the Demon King’s army. They were the most difficult to spot with their black cloaks blending into the inky night as they floated weightlessly over the land, making nary a sound. Yet they left a chill along the nape, if one paid close enough attention. Jade always did.

Although she was unable to see her pursuer, she had the right to demand the creature reveal itself. By royal decree, she was allowed to confront whatever threatened her.

The Demon King Damien—who’d commanded the outbreak of war when he rose to power thirty-five years ago—had surprisingly, upon his victory, issued several edicts in favor of the defeated and in the name of peacekeeping in the new world. One of which proclaimed no demon within his coalition could stalk, hunt or harm a human, unless said human was a slayer or witch who made the initial predatory move. A rare occurrence because both were in limited quantities these days.