Page 93 of Dare Me (Take Me 2)

“We’ve pretty much danced around the subject. We’ve had other issues to tackle, I’m afraid.”

“Yes. I can imagine. I’m well aware of how dangerous his job is. For him to have brought you here tells me two things. One, you’ve been in grave danger right along with him. And two… He’s deeply concerned about your well-being. Beyond just…protecting a civilian. There are a multitude of ways he could accomplish this without bringing you home.”

Nikki’s heart wrenched. She attempted to explain the situation between her and Damen, but as she opened her mouth to speak, she realized she didn’t truly know what to say regarding this extremely delicate matter.

She especially didn’t know how to address it with Damen’s mother.

Who, thankfully, didn’t press Nikki.

So Nikki sipped a little more in silence.

Eventually, she simply offered, “We’ve been through a lot together, in a very short period of time. I trusted him enough to come here with him, and he’s trusted me not to obstruct evidence or his current mission. That, however, does not mean that we’re not wrapped in complications that might be… Unresolvable.”


That basically said it all… Right?

Except, Mrs. Castillo continued to eye Nikki with an intrigued expression on her face as she mused, “Damen always has been captivated by complications. And when it involves a scenario he actually does have control over… My dear, in his mind, nothing is unresolvable.”


Mads had not exaggerated about how delicious the tamales she and her grandmother had made truly were.

The three of them had gathered in the dining room for a fabulous feast, and Damen had just joined them. Although he was wholly present and conversational, he was cryptic about how his day on the ops campus had gone, where they stood with the data and the information on the terrorist cell and what the actual fate of Nikki’s laptop was.

Unfortunately, Nikki already suspected the worst. And Damen’s silence on the matter confirmed her fears. Otherwise, he would have given her an indication there was still hope.

He was too conscientious to lead her down that path.

The reality of the situation sat like a rock in her stomach. Until the food was served. No way in hell could one not respond to the mouthwatering aroma suddenly permeating the room and the sight of the plump tamales, the rice and beans and a slew of other homemade Mexican food, including enchiladas and Nikki’s personal favorite, chiles en nogada. The stuffed poblano chiles were topped with a walnut-cream sauce that was rich and decadent. Pomegranate seeds and parsley were sprinkled over the white sauce, representing the colors of the Mexican flag, in a decorative manner.

Despite the mass quantities of food she’d consumed with Agent Garcia the previous day, Nikki devoured equal amounts this evening.

And…speaking of Agent Garcia…

Nikki’s gaze slid to Damen as he and his mother were engaged in a discussion and Mads was apparently debating what to eat next as she eyed the fancy serving dishes lining the center of the table.

Nikki reached for her wine and sipped. She still grappled with Fiora’s fate. While Damen had made a few salient points earlier that morning, regarding how Fiora’s actions had put Nikki’s life in danger and had destroyed her personal property, it still felt wrong to Nikki to sever the woman’s ties with the ops campus, with her entire career.

Moreover, Nikki wondered how difficult it would be for Fiora to get a job elsewhere. If she was released from her current government organization, would she be able to apply to another one?

Or…would her record be reflective of her decision to wittingly compromise the safety of a civilian in order to ensure national security?

Nikki continued to toil over this.

Naturally, she wasn’t thrilled of the circumstances or the outcome as it related personally to her. Yet… She could certainly view the situation objectively. That was part of her job, part of her training, after all.

Considering that, Nikki was back to ruminating over the thoughts she’d had previously, but which she had not yet brought to fruition. While Fiora was under investigation, suspension or was outright fired from her duties, there was—in fact—another opportunity for her.

With Nikki.

She wanted to take Fiora with her to Switzerland.

Nikki wanted to hire the agent as her own bodyguard. She trusted Fiora, as Damen had. And the woman had already proved she could think fast on her feet.

Since Nikki was in town for one more night, she had the chance to discuss this at length with Damen. And intended to.

First, however… There was more food to partake in. More wine to drink. And then a gorgeous dessert cart to not only admire, but also to dive into.