Page 65 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

“And I would never ask you to compromise your own personal convictions,” she said in turn. “Your wants…your desires. The apartment. All this space. All these bedrooms. Three kids and a wife…”

His eyes squeezed shut. “Kate,” he murmured.

“We’re on different trajectories. We always have been. For a couple of weeks, we found common ground. But we’re not meant for longevity, Jude. We can’t and don’t want to change each other. Who we are right this very second works… But who we are tomorrow or next week…” She shook her head. Sniffled. “Those are going to be very different people.”

Kate moved around him, inching toward the door. Over her shoulder, she said, “I think you love me, Jude. I think I love you. But neither of us can own up to that fully. Not when we continually land on opposite ends of the spectrum.”

She gave him a moment to process. To respond.

When he remained quiet, only silently stewed, Kate turned back to the door.

And walked out.

I think you love me, Jude.

Without question.

I think I love you.

He’d started to suspect…

But neither of us can own up to that fully. Not when we continually land on opposite ends of the spectrum.

That was highly debatable.

And Jude was just the man to engage in that debate. The very beautiful and alluring Dr. Kate Stockman had never underestimated him.

Until now.


Granted, the information Kate had so fiercely embargoed was nothing Jude could quickly or easily put into perspective.

The fact that Kate was in love with him wasn’t exactly something Jude could quickly or easily put into perspective, either.

She didn’t say in love.

Jude glowered. But persevered with his ruminations. Despite the fact Kate had made this colossal decision without even considering its impact on Jude.

He had the natural urge to chase after her, castigate her for not consulting him about this insane idea she had of going to Afghanistan—or contemplating how he’d respond to the news when she’d agreed to take this on.

A part of him was furious.

But there were conflicting emotions at war here, because another part of him wondered… Who was he to be offended she hadn’t discussed this with him?

The guy who was sleeping with her.

The man who was in love with her.

All right. Valid rationalities.

But Kate had always been her own person.

Jude wouldn’t change that. Not even for—


He tapped his fingertips against his forehead.