Page 19 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

Jude spread her legs wide…and pulled her slightly forward, so she was perched on the edge of the seat.

He draped one of her thighs over his shoulder. His palm slid along the outer side of that thigh. His other palm flattened against the inner portion of the opposite leg, keeping her opened to him.

He finally broke the eye contact as his head lowered. Anticipation swelled within Kate. His soft breaths teased her exposed flesh. Her fingers curved around his nape. While the other hand pressed to the cushion alongside her for support.

“Jude.” She gasped, the desperate plea filling the otherwise quiet cabin of the limo. “I am so close to coming and you haven’t even touched me there.”

“Yet,” he said with a devilish grin.

The sexy look he gave her, combined with the faint stream of his steady breaths and the sheer anticipation of his mouth on her, had a frenzy of butterflies taking to flight in her stomach. Her nipples tightened to an almost unbearable degree. Her clit tingled.

All such imploring, beseeching sensations, that the very second Jude’s tongue glided along her slick folds, she cried out.

He kissed her inner thighs, as though giving her the chance to assimilate, to stabilize herself, to breathe…

Then his mouth was on her again and Kate experienced such a rush of ecstasy, her head fell back against the top of the seat and her eyelids squeezed shut.

Jude’s tongue languidly, leisurely licked her in long, full strokes.

Kate’s body jolted.

Jude continued his ministrations as every inch of her went up in flames.

“Oh, my God,” she said on a quavering breath. And felt the tremors ripple through her arms and legs. “That feels so good.”

The tip of his tongue flitted against her clit, an ardent stroking with more pressure.

“Yes,” she muttered. “Like that, Jude…”

Kate couldn’t catch her breath.

She writhed on the seat, pressing herself more firmly against his mouth. He alternated between the fluttering of his tongue and the long licks, until she was pleading for more.

His mouth covered her and he suckled her clit. Deep.

“Jude!” Every sensation inside her instantly collided and erupted—taking Kate by surprise.

He didn’t let up. Was wickedly relentless.

“Oh, my God!” Heat flashed through her. The vibrations multiplied.

Kate shattered completely, crying once more, “Jude!”

She whimpered and quaked. Gasped for a breath.

Never feeling anything so sensational.

Knowing Jude was only warming up...


Kate wasn’t sure how much time passed while her breaths still came in heavy pants and her body trembled from the powerful release.

Jude detangled himself from her, moved her skirt back into place and sat opposite her. He reached for a napkin and dabbed his lips. Then handed one to Kate. He retrieved the bottle of champagne and refreshed his glass. When she thrust hers toward him, he grinned and provided her a refill.

“You’re entirely too pleased with yourself,” she drawled in a tone that sounded seductive to her own ears.

She took a long drink from her glass. The effervescence was nowhere near as brilliant as the bursts of vibrant energy she still felt in her core. Proving a casual fling with Jude McMillan would be anything but casual.