Page 95 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

“Someone inscribe that on a cocktail napkin for Charlotte’s bridal suite memories,” McCarthy urged.

And Charlotte…? Well, she just smiled at Kate and mouthed, “Thank you.”

Kate fought the prickle of tears at the backs of her own eyes. It was next to impossible not to reveal her secret, but Kate reminded herself this moment wasn’t hers—it was Charlotte’s.

She swooped in and sat on the stool next to her soon-to-be-sister-in-law and said, “This is going to be the most sensational wedding ever. No bride will dazzle so brilliantly—and I’m not just talking about the diamonds you’ll be wearing.”

“Oh, Kate.” She squeezed Kate’s hand. “You just saved my whole day.”

“Then we should break out the bubbly now.”

“Indeed, we should!” Charlotte turned to Mirabeth. “Cristal for all—and keep it flowing!”

“Well…only one or two glasses for you,” Kate said with a wink. “Your father might have trouble getting you down the aisle if we get you tipsy.”

Charlotte laughed, all anxiety falling by the wayside. “He’d be so pleased—it’ll allow him to believe I’ll pass out as soon as Denison gets me back up here—and can’t take advantage of Daddy’s little girl on her wedding night!”

“Charlotte… You and Denny have… You know…?” Kate conspiratorially whispered. And crooked a brow.

“Well, of course.” Charlotte beamed. “I’m not going to marry a man who can’t satisfy me in bed, Kate Stockman.”

Kate snickered. Despite wanting like hell to hear Kate McMillan again, she found Charlotte too amusing to dwell on the inadvertent/unwitting slight.

“I knew from the start you were going to make an excellent sister,” Kate quipped.

Charlotte gave her a quick hug, then said, “We’ll be the ones the other wives gossip about, whispering behind our backs and rolling their eyes at us—while secretly wishing they were as happy as we are.”

“I am happy,” Kate suddenly averred. “Like…deliriously, I can’t believe how amazing it feels, happy.”

“I know, Kate. I can see it in your eyes. In your smile. It’s so fantastic. And I know it’s because you followed your heart—with your career and with Jude.”

“There’s so much more, Charlotte,” Kate quietly told her. “We’ll talk about it when you’re back from your honeymoon.”

“Promise?” Charlotte asked, vibrantly hopeful. “Because I want to know everything, Kate.”

“I promise. We’ll make an afternoon of it.”

“Or a full weekend. I’ll have plenty to share, too.” She winked.

Kate mock-groaned. “Don’t forget it’s my brother you’re marrying. I don’t need all the details.”

Charlotte giggled in her delicate way. “I’ll try to keep that in mind. Now…let’s toast to this fabulous day!”

“I am all for that,” Kate said, thrilled to have something herself to celebrate.

And actually finding it a bit sexy and titillating that only Nikki and Jude knew how incredible this day really was—how significant it was—for Kate.

She’d play Cinderella for Jude, with a glitzy wedding, if it was what he truly wanted.

But something told her it was the piece of paper that meant the most to him—the evidence that she was willingly and everlastingly his.

Jude’s life was grounded in facts, after all. He liked everything in writing, everything documented in the most legal and specific way. And that was precisely what Kate had provided him today.

Hell, she’d frame their marriage license in solid gold to prove it was a permanent testament to their love.

Whatever made Jude happy.

Whatever demonstrated her eternal and unwavering devotion to him…