Page 75 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

Really, it was all Kate needed to hear at that moment. She tore her arm from Nikki’s reassuring grasp and launched herself into Jude’s arms.

“I love you, too,” she cried. “So much.”

He held her tightly as Kate wept.

Jude whispered, “I couldn’t let you go through this alone. I didn’t know Nikki would be here, but even so… I’m glad Charlotte told me about tonight. I want to be with you, Kate. No matter the circumstance… No matter the place. I just want to be with you.”

Kate’s embrace around his neck loosened. She gazed into his eyes. “Jude, I’m still leaving.”

“I know. I’m okay with that.”

Kate gaped.

Behind her, Charlotte softly said, “Tell her what you’ve done, Jude.”

Kate glanced over her shoulder, her watery gaze landing on Charlotte. Who looked so damn hopeful and euphoric through her own misty eyes, Kate’s heart twisted tighter. Or soared. It was difficult to determine which because Kate suspected something fantastic was about to be revealed—but couldn’t bring herself to accept the possibility just yet.

Turning back to Jude, she asked, “What is Charlotte talking about? What have you done?”

Jude took a small step away, so he could clasp her hands and hold her gaze.

He said, “While Charlotte was helping me with some of the mechanics of establishing Dawn’s foundation, we got to talking about legalities on all charitable levels…a lot of pro bono work-related issues to resolve. I happen to know a lawyer who provides free legal services to survivors of grand-scale natural disasters. So I contacted him and, Kate… I want to go with you.”

“You what?” She couldn’t have stared any harder at him, she was sure. Convinced she hadn’t heard him correctly.

With a grin, Jude reiterated, “I want to go with you. You’d be surprised at all the red tape, estate and probate issues, tax complications and insurance impediments that arise in these situations. I can provide free legal counsel, Kate.” His attention shifted to Nikki. “You could use a lawyer on the ground, right?”

“Absolutely,” she said without a second thought.

Jude’s gaze returned to Kate. “I want to be with you, Kate. I love you. I want us to be together. Really together…remember?”

She could barely breathe, let alone speak.

So she merely nodded.

He said, “Then let’s do this together. We started out unconventionally… I don’t see why we have to change at this point.”

“Kathryn,” her mother quietly eked out. “I can’t condone this. It’s not right. It goes against everything—”

“Mother…” Kate moved around Jude. “Daddy. Everyone…” She gazed at her family and said, “I know I’ve never fit the n

orm. For you. But for Nikki and Conner…for Jude—”

“For me,” Charlotte suddenly interjected, her voice cracking as she waded through her own tearful response to the last several minutes. “For me, Kate. No, nothing about this is normal for me, per se,” she added with a faint laugh…and a smile. “But I think you’re extraordinary. And I admire you so much. I respect you. And I believe in you. I believe in what you and Nikki and Jude want to do.” Her gaze flitted to Denny. “I’ll explain it all to you, if you want me to.”

Denny gave an unexpected grin. “Not necessary. Katie always went her own way. And she’s never missed a beat.” He raised his glass to her. “I can condone that. I’m sorry, Mother, but hearing Jude’s story and knowing Katie—”

“Kate,” Charlotte corrected.

“Right,” Denny said. “Kate. Knowing Kate saves lives….and that she doesn’t falter… She sets her sights on a goal and accomplishes it. And if rescuing others is her destiny…? Who the hell are we to frown upon that?”

“The man has a point.” Kelly, the oldest, lifted his glass. “Just be safe, sis.”

Brandon followed suit. “Keep her safe, Jude.”

John was a bit more reticent to join in, but eventually hefted his glass as well. “Don’t stay away too long. We’ll miss you… Kate.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” she tearfully said. “But you understand, right?”