Page 73 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

As Jude entered with Charlotte, Kate realized she’d have to quickly diffuse their collective misconception that she and Jude were intending to announce their engagement.

For the love of God! She hadn’t even considered that would be on their minds!

It made sense, though. Except Kate had been too wrapped up in how she was going to present her plans to ponder what they’d all think of her calling a family meeting.

Now, Jude was here.

Looking devastatingly handsome in all black. A dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his forearms, pants and boots. His hair was tousled in that typical haphazard fashion she found so damn sexy. His dark eyes smoldered. Hell, everything about the man smoldered.

When she referred to him as devastatingly handsome, the devastating part of it was that she took one glance at him and essentially forgot everything else! The man obliterated all other thoughts.

Important thoughts.

Ones she needed to hold fast to. Keep organized. Articulate in a reasonable and succinct manner.

But her heart beat faster. Her blood turned molten. Her inner thighs quivered.

Damn, she’d missed him between her legs.

Kate gnawed her lower lip. She’d missed him nipping at it.

She’d missed everything about Jude.

When he gave her a casual grin—that half-assed smirk that only hitched one corner of his tempting mouth—she nearly melted.

Charlotte had a firm grip on his arm and she filled the silence that ensued—because Kate had yet to find her voice—by saying, “Everyone, you remember Jude McMillan. A dear friend of Kate’s. And someone I’m becoming well acquainted with, as are Mirabeth Presley and Tulia Evers. We’re helping Jude to navigate the waters for establishing a charitable foundation.”

Kate’s mother took interest in this tidbit. “Is that so?”

“Yes, Mrs. Stockman,” Jude said. “For someone whose memory of his wife I’d like to help honor. It was your daughter’s idea.”

Kate told him, “I’m so glad you’re pursuing this.” She moved forward, toward him. Not exactly steadily with her knees going weak at the sight of him. “You met everyone at the engagement party, except for my best friend, Nikki Kane.”

Nikki joined them. “It’s a pleasure, Jude.” They shook hands. “I’ve heard enough about you to immediately discern why Kate’s family is hopeful this evening’s get-together is your own engagement party.”

“Nik!” Kate gasped.

With a crooked brow, Nikki said, “Enough of the suspense, Kate. Tell them all why they’re really here.”


Kate’s gaze shifted to Jude.

He nodded and said, “I’m not here to talk you out of anything, Kate. I officially attest this project is a courageous, substantial and worthy one.”

“Kathryn,” her father interposed. “What on earth is going on?”

Kate turned to her father. Her entire family.

Anxiety skittered through her. Emotion washed over her.

But Kate knew what she had to do.

It was time.

“Evidently, you all assumed I’m sharing news of there being a marriage in my immediate future. There isn’t one…”

She accepted the fallen faces, the confused expressions, the disappointed sighs.