Page 38 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

Her gaze met his and held. “Jude, we had a sensible relationship before.”

“No. We had absolutely no balance before, Kate. You told me nothing about yourself, other than your father was a doctor. I didn’t know about this world you’re living in. This life you’ve been trapped in, regardless of how meticulously you’ve designed your own destiny. You’re still trapped, because… Because it’s your fucking family. And maybe you fear the box they want to put you in, but they are your family. Despite all the difficulties and complexities, you love them. Would go against your personal convictions to appease them.”

“To an extent,” she corrected. “Make no mistake, Jude, I would never compromise my integrity for the sake of something inconsequential. I will bend for valid purposes, though. That’s true enough.”

“Like your adoration for Charlotte.”

With a self-effacing laugh, Kate said, “She had me two seconds away from headlining a fashion show I want absolutely nothing to do with. How ironic my mother saved the day for me.”

“She didn’t,” he asserted. “She took something away from you, Kate. Hell, she took it away from Charlotte and Mirabeth and the societal ladies who lunch, both the ones trying to raise money and those willing to give it.”

Kate moved closer, her gaze not faltering. “What are you talking about?”

“You don’t need me to spell it out,” he challenged. “But I will, because you’re too damn nice and honorable to own up to this, Kate. Your mother is threatened by you. Your independence, your intelligence, your talent, your ambition… Hell, maybe even your beauty. Certainly your likeability. Your stalwartness.”

She gave a tiny shake of her head. “Jude, that’s rid—”

“Ridiculous?” He stared a bit harder, with determination. “No. It’s not, sweetheart. You are the complete package. I’m not the only one who knows it, sees it. I just might be the only one who accepts it. Well…” He shrugged and flashed a playful grin—wholly uncharacteristic of him though it was. “Me and Charlotte. Mirabeth, as well.”

“Oh, good Lord, Jude!” Kate’s arms flew up in the air.

His brow jumped.

She huffed for a few moments, then said, “I have avoided that particular species my entire life. As much as humanly possible, of course, because their mothers are the type mine associates with. My sisters-in-law, Jude… They’re…”

His brow remained crooked while she searched for the appropriate words. Jude suspected they were on her tongue. She was just loathe to say them out loud.

Jude spared her the exasperation, simply commenting, “They’re not like Charlotte.”

“They’re self-righteous, overly indignant, much-too-pampered, spoiled—”

Her hand clamped over her mouth briefly as her eyes popped.

Jude chuckled. “You think your assessment is going to offend me, Kate?”

She tore her hand away. “I will never relate to any of them,” she contended. “My, God… They each had meticulously vetted and certified au pairs flown over from France the very minute they learned they were pregnant! Can you imagine? They weren’t due for nine months, and they already required someone taking care of them, running their errands, doing their every bidding! And they utilize every waking hour of the day mentally plotting how to outdo, out shine, outspend each other. It’s…” She heaved a rasping breath. “It’s absurd and so, so sad. And poor Charlotte is about to be caught in their crosshairs. I’m not even sure she knows what the hell she’s getting herself into!”

Jude would have gloated that he’d so perfectly pegged what plagued Kate. That his own psychoanalysis of her had been dead-on.

But one, he couldn’t stand there triumphantly while she was clearly tormented.

And two… He’d hardly shattered the glass ceiling where Kate Stockman was concerned. He had infinite layers to penetrate.

But he’d apparently capped out for now, because Kate tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and gave him her “time’s up” look.

“I really do have to go,” she told him in a placating voice.

Jude swept his fingers over her cheek, enjoying her soft skin against his. “Yeah, I know. I don’t mean to keep you. Well, I do… But…” He laughed, with a tinge of regret.

“But. I have all these plans, Jude.”

“I’m happy for you, Kate. I promise.”

She stretched on tiptoe and pressed her warm lips to his.

Of course, Jude couldn’t let well enough alone. He pulled her to him and turned the kiss into a searing liplock that left them both breathless. And had Kate clinging to him for several seconds before she got her bearings.

Eventually, she moved backward, toward the door. Still gazing up at him.