Page 30 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

He drove deep once more and his finger sank in. She cried out. Clutching him firmly again.

“That’s so fucking good, Kate.” He pumped into her.

“Jude… Don’t stop. Oh, my God... Do not stop!”


Her long legs remained wrapped around him, her body sealing with his as her hips lifted to meet his powerful thrusts. Her whimpers of ecstasy echoed around them.

Jude’s cock throbbed and his pulse raged. He had no idea how he kept his shit together when Kate was making him so damn insane and he was desperate for his own release. But he wanted her to fall over that edge with him.

“Oh, God,” she sobbed. “I’m going to come again.”

“Yes,” he urged. “Now, Kate. Come now. Let me feel it.”

Her thighs nearly squeezed the air right out of him. Her hips rose further. One of her hands clasped his upper arm once more.

“Now, Kate,” he commanded.

“Yes… Oh. God. Yes!”

She erupted…taking Jude with her.

He called her name as the sensations ignited and the firestorm burned through him.

Nothing else existed for Jude. Just the ultimate rush of freefalling with Kate.

For better or for worse…

“Jude,” Kate said in a hoarse voice. “What did you do to me?”

Her entire body was singed, through and through. Her pulse points throbbed with a vibrant energy, but the rest of her was ash. She couldn’t move, like there was absolutely nothing left of her.

Jude was sprawled alongside her, his breaths jagged, primal heat radiating from him. In her peripheral vision, she saw that he stared up at the artistic, gilt-accented ceiling. He said, “I might need to be treated for a newly developed addiction, Doc.”

“Which would be?”

“Making you scream my name.”

A scorching blaze flared within her once more.

“I had no idea I could be so vocal.”

“That’s because no one has done to you the things I did. The things I still intend to do to you…”

“Really, Jude, you could be a little less scandalous and I’d still be mind-blown.”

He chuckled, the sexy sound reverberating within her. “Glad to hear I rocked your world.”

“You’re entitled to the ego trip. You sufficiently incinerated me.”

“That’s some volatile chemistry we share.”

Kate’s head rolled to the side and she regarded him a moment. He had a prominent visage, even as a profile. A set jaw and chiseled features. His corded neck gave way to strong shoulders and an expansive chest. His pecs were beautifully sculpted, tempting Kate to sweep her lips over his smooth, tanned skin and trace the grooves of his abdomen with the tip of her tongue.

Without a second thought, Kate propped herself up on an elbow, her plump curls cascading over her shoulder. She splayed her palm over Jude’s chest.

“I now fully understand Britney Collins’ excitement when she was with you,” Kate said. “I had the overwhelming desire to claw you myself.”