Page 10 of Take Me (Take Me 1)

Kate said, “You’re very good at putting different scenarios into silos, Jude. I’m suddenly in a situation where that will—”

“Goddamn it, Kate,” he growled. Surprising even himself with his impatience. “If there’s something I can do for you, just ask me. No bullshit, remember?”

“Right. No bullshit.” She inhaled deeply. Exhaled slowly. Then told him, “I need a date for my brother’s engagement party. I’m not currently seeing anyone. Hell, I haven’t ‘currently been seeing anyone’ for years. But that’s beside the point. This is really important to my family. To my brother and his incredibly delightful fiancée. And I—”

“Yes, Kate,” Jude interjected, sparing her from the agony she was clearly in over appealing to him. Because they both knew it undermined some of her authority, some of her control over him. Put them on a more even playing field. “If you want me to be your date, Kate, the answer is yes.”

“It’s just that…your name came up unexpectedly.”

“A story I’m more than curious to hear.”

“I’m not even sure how it all happened,” she cautiously added. “So impetuously. This is kind of crazy, Jude. I just—”

“Kate, for God’s sake. Do you want me or not?”


Kate’s breath caught.

Oh, God, yes… I want you!

An unanticipated thrill chased down her spine. Her nipples tightened and her clit tingled. And Jude wasn’t even in the same room with her!

Not that he needed to be in order for her to react to him. She’d discovered that recently, these days unable to stop herself from weaving fantasies of him making love to her—and not in the way her new polite-society gal-pals would likely fantasize about. Well, unless they knew Jude McMillan.

Kate didn’t doubt for a se

cond he’d take her in ways no other man ever had. Leaving her limp and boneless. And probably dying for more…

All bad and wrong for Kate. She wasn’t looking to plan her own engagement party anytime soon.

Or ever.

Thinking about the impending festivities brought her back around. She cleared her throat—and her mind of all lascivious thoughts. As best as she could, considering she was still on the line with Jude.

“I haven’t even told you the time and date yet,” she pointed out.

Jude chuckled, low and rich, the sound reverberating through every inch of her.

“I’ll change my schedule if need be. I want to see you again, Kate.”

“You could have made an appointment with my assistant, Jude.”

“Not professionally.”

She nodded, even though he couldn’t see the gesture. “We should discuss what happened in your office.”

“My intentions were obvious.”

Kate’s lids drifted closed for a moment. How dangerous a game was she playing here? And why did it excite her so damn much?

She said, “This is just a date for show, Jude. To get Charlotte off my back and placate my family. Can you handle that?”

“I’ve always admired how candid you are, Kate. Though, you are skirting a salient point.”

“And what’s that?” she inquired. Already intuitively knowing what the hell he was going to say. And it’d only be one more nail driven into this coffin that was becoming her personal life.

“I think you’re as hot for me as I am for you.”