“Maybe Tanya wants certain things from me, but I am in no position to give any of that to her.” His voice was soft and honest.

“And why is that, Arsen?”

“Because… my heart lies with someone else.” He stared into her soul. Fuck. Don’t fall for his words, Rory.

“How many times have you used that line since this morning?” Rory regretted saying that as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

Arsen just stared at her silently. The sounds of the party drifted in from somewhere far away.

“How did you even get here?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t have found you if it weren’t for Lizzy. I had to ask Mickey for her number—a favor that he won’t let me forget about anytime soon. I texted her in the morning and she was the one who helped me out. She’s a really nice girl.”

“If she’s so nice, then why didn’t you save her from Mickey?”

”I would have, had I known. As you know, I didn’t leave Montcove with them so I didn’t know she was on the plane. I don’t really socialize with Mickey and I didn’t see her till the day you saw us at the club. I didn’t think there was anything fishy going on as he was being pretty nice to her.”

Rory contemplated whether she should believe this man’s words. So far it all seemed to check out. It is not like he keeps a watch on Mickey 24/7.

“I don’t know, Arsen. The memories from Montcove still taste bitter and I’m not sure I can take all this anymore. I felt really hurt.”

“And if I could…” He stopped and looked away. “There are so many what-ifs.” He seemed exasperated with himself.

Rory’s gut feeling told her that Arsen was being truthful to her. They sat in silence as she gathered her thoughts. It would be unfair of me to blame him for what I have gone through. Neither can I blame him for what happened to Lizzy. And yet… we’re from two different worlds. Nothing can ever happen between us. We don’t belong together.

“Thank you for the apology, Arsen. It takes a big man to admit a mistake.” She tried to smile.

“I am glad that we got that out of the way,” he replied after a moment’s pause. “I was scared I lost you. I thought you might never speak to me again.” The tension that was present on his face a minute before dissipated.


“When do you get out of this place? Can we go somewhere quiet?”

“Arsen. I’m not going anywhere. I mean … I can’t leave now, and tomorrow I am going back to Montcove.”

Arsen’s face changed.

“What… I don’t understand. Spend a day with me, Rory. Forget everyone else. Just you and me, a whole day together.”

“And then what, Arsen? What after that day?” she asked, but he had no answer.

“You will always have something to do, Arsen. You can take a day out here and a day out there, but there will always be something or someone that will require your attention and I don’t think I can handle that.”

Arsen sat silently.

“I’m a simple girl—I like simple things. A quiet peaceful life full of love, that’s all I need. You are amazing. I bet you’re more romantic than any guy I’m ever going to meet. You certainly are more charming and more handsome than anyone else I have ever met. But what happens after we ride off into the sunset holding hands? They never show that in the movies, do they?”

Arsen remained silent. Rory looked away to avoid looking into his eyes. Far away she could see her sister working the party, laughing loudly, giddy with joy, talking to guests with her husband in tow.

“Rory. We can make this work if we both put in the effort. If both of us are willing.”

“I am not sure I am, Arsen. I am tired of working hard for everything in life. I am tired of worrying. I don’t want to have to worry about where you are, or who you’re with or why I haven’t heard from you in three days. I just can’t do it.”

Rory knew that she had made the right decision. Arsen wasn’t right for her. And as tempting as wanting to be with him was, there was no way in hell that it would work. I am just protecting myself from any future disappointments, she reminded herself.

Arsen just nodded, his lips pursed together. No sign of that gorgeous smile, only the sounds of leaves rustling in the breeze. He looked away in contemplation for a minute, and then looked back at Rory. Questions in his eyes. Or maybe shock. Maybe disappointment at not getting what he wanted.

“Okay, Rory. You know what’s best for you.”