“Lizzy, my darling, we all make mistakes. I have too and so has everyone else. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

“But why do I make the worst mistakes? Why do I do things even when people who care about me warn me against them?” Tears were streaming down her face.

Rory wanted to ask her what happened, what Mickey had done, but she thought it best to avoid that for now as Lizzy seemed to be in a very fragile state of mind.

“Lizzy, the important thing is that you are here now, safe, unharmed, and before long we’ll be back in Montcove where we can continue our lives as if none of this ever happened.”

Lizzy broke down again.

“What will I ever tell my mom? How will I ever face everyone else back home?” As the realization dawned upon her, Lizzy was falling apart. “I’ve lost everything, Rory.”

Rory gently patted her head and held her close.

r /> “You’ve lost nothing, Lizzy. You have me and I am sure that your mother will forgive you. You should have seen how worried she was. I think that she’ll be very grateful that you’re back. Besides, I don’t think many people back home even know that you’re here in LA.”

Lizzy wiped away her tears and sat in contemplation, looking down at the floor.

“You really think so, Rory?”

“I know so, Liz. Everyone cares about you a lot—most of all, your mother. The fact that you’re safe will be more than enough for her. In ten years, we’ll all look back on this silly thing and laugh.”

A slight smile came upon Lizzy’s face. Rory knew that she’d have to help Lizzy get over all of this and leave this mess behind.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, Lizzy. My mother will have a fit if she sees you walking around dressed like this,” Rory laughed.

She took Lizzy up to her bedroom and gave her some clothes to wear. She decided to draw a bath for Lizzy, but then stopped as she didn’t want Lizzy lying in a tub full of water and doing something stupid. She can take a shower, she decided. Lizzy did take a long shower, as if trying to wash all the filth of this city and the memories of the last few days off of her.

“You were right, Rory,” Lizzy said as she stepped out of the bathroom. “LA is not that great. I mean, I had always wanted to come here and go to places where celebrities hang out, walk down Sunset Boulevard and go to all the clubs, but honestly, it's not all that fantastic.”

Rory was glad that Lizzy had come to this realization. If nothing else, then at least this incident would make her more mature.

“Let this wedding be over. Just one more day to go and we’ll be back in Montcove. There’s nothing in this plastic city for you or for me. We’re happy where we belong.” Rory smiled at her friend.

“What would I ever do without you, Rory? You really are the big sister I never had.” Tears welled up in Lizzy’s eyes and Rory hugged her, touched by the warmth in her words.

“You’ll do fine without me. You’re a very intelligent girl and from here on, I am sure lots of good things will happen to you.”

“You have always been so sweet to me and what did I do to you in return…” Lizzy left the sentence half-finished. “I’ll be better, Rory. I promise. I will make this up to you. I owe you big for being there for me.”

“Lizzy, you don’t owe me anything. That is what friends… that is what sisters do for each other. We stand by each other and we stay together,” Rory said gently.

“Aww. You’re going to make me cry again.” Lizzy embraced her once more.

“What a mutual appreciation society we’ve got going. Let’s quickly head downstairs and get something to eat. I’m famished and I am sure so are you. If we’re late, then my mother won’t serve anything to us.”

Lunch was a rather quiet affair. Rory’s parents had already eaten and were too busy with making last-minute phone calls for Tara’s wedding, and for that Rory was thankful. Had it been a regular day, her mother would’ve asked a zillion questions about Lizzy and why she was here.

Lizzy and Rory ate in silence. After lunch, she and Lizzy decided to laze around and watch TV. Though Rory asked her if she wanted to go out and see more of the city, Lizzy refused.

She’s changed so much. This experience has transformed her, and maybe it will be all for the good. Maybe she will mature and use her potential and do something productive, Rory smiled to herself.

They went for a short walk in the evening around the neighborhood and it was then that Lizzy opened up.

“I really thought Mickey meant every word he said. He looked into my eyes and told me how special I was, how he saw a future for us, and how I was so different from the fake LA girls. I believed him when he said he was falling for me. Every time we were close, I felt a moment between us,” Lizzy said.

Rory’s heart sank when she realized that this was pretty much what Arsen had said to her. Is this what these rockstars do to unsuspecting girls? Make them believe they are unique? As bad as she felt at being deceived by Arsen, Rory was relieved that she hadn’t fallen for him. Or fallen for him as badly as she could have.

“I mean when he flew me to LA in his private jet,” Lizzy continued, ”I thought I was special. I didn’t think he would do so much for someone he didn’t like a lot. But then instead of taking me to his house, we went to a hotel. I mean, it was very luxurious and all that, and I loved it at that time, but I didn’t realize that maybe he doesn’t want to show me his house.”