As the plane neared LA, Rory’s worries grew. She had no doubt that Lizzy would throw herself at Mickey at the smallest invitation. The chance of being validated by the attention of a celebrity was too much for her to reject. Rory resigned herself to the fact that Lizzy probably has already done a few things that she will regret in the time to come.

Just as I have done myself.

It always happened like this. Going to LA always brought out old memories that she had buried deep within herself. Rory always blamed her dislike of the city on her upbringing and the plastic nature of the town, but deep inside she knew that there were more reasons to it.

And the last thing she wanted Lizzy to do was to make the same mistakes she had. Lizzy always blamed Rory for being boring and drab, but to Rory, who had matured since her years as a foolish young girl, being boring was better than being heartbroken.

The city that she loathed lay spread out below her. The plane was minutes away from touching down. Rory took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. There was a lot to be done here, so she had to act fast. Rory hurriedly buried her miserable thoughts at the back of her mind and geared up for what was about to come.

Chapter 65

After landing, Rory sat in a coffee shop close to LAX airport. All the worrying had strangely famished her and she wanted to carb up before she ran around town trying to figure out where Lizzy was.

She thought about going to her parents’ house first, but she wanted to avoid that meeting for as long as she could. Besides, her number one priority was Lizzy. She had called the phone number that was on the card that Don had given to her in Montcove but it was switched off. Given the fact that the man carried a bunch of cellphones, she figured that it was a number that he’d only used only on the island. He probably doesn’t even have it anymore.

In any case, it did not take Rory long to find out the number to the band’s office from their official website. The phone went on hold after four rings and a voice message started playing. A voice message from Mickey telling all callers to follow him on Instagram. What a shallow guy, Rory thought.

A suave-sounding woman answered after a few moments.

“Sorry for putting you on hold. How can I help you?”

“Hi. I am a friend of Don’s and…” Suddenly, Rory was lost for words. What should I say? I am trying to find a naive young girl who is infatuated with Mickey Nicks?

“And?” the voice on the other end of the phone said in an impatient tone.

“I am looking for a way to get in touch with him.”

“And this would be regarding…?” It was all business.

“It’s a matter of a personal nature,” Rory replied.

“I need more information than that,” the woman on the phone demanded. Rory paused to think over her words.

“This is regarding their stay in Montcove.” Rory hoped that if she mentioned that, then the woman would be satisfied.

“And what about it? Are you a vendor who wants to submit an invoice?” the woman asked.

“Yes,” she lied. “It’s something like that.”

“Okay, ma’am. I need more details before I pass you on. What was the nature of the service you provided?”

I sheltered his damn guitar player and stopped a media scandal.

“I’d rather speak to Don about it.”

“Again, ma’am. I need more details about what you want.” The woman on the phone was irritated and Rory could sense that.

“I need to ask Don… about locating someone. A friend of mine is with him—I mean, with the band. Er…” Rory was fumbling her words.

“Okay. First, you claim to be his friend then you claim to be a vendor and now you want to find someone. Exactly what is going on here?”

“I told you, it’s a matter of a rather personal nature,” Rory replied, half-pleading.

“And I’m sure that you are nothing but a fan who either wants free tickets or just wants to meet the band. It’s not like this is the first time we have received a call like this,” the woman snapped.

“No, it’s nothing like that!”

“We’re very busy. Please stop wasting our time.”