“I think you should leave,” she said flatly.

“You think he’s a good guy and that he will be the love of your life? Naive girl. Nothing like that will ever happen, so cherish it while you can before he pumps and dumps you.”

That greasy smile on his face was driving her up the wall, and his words weren’t helping either. Rory wanted to smack him.

“If you change your mind, contact me here.” He threw a business card on the counter. “I am Hector, by the way. There is money to be made here, and who knows, if you give me a sex tape, we could make you famous.” Hector threw a cigarette in his mouth and started walking out.

Rory would’ve surely hit him had he not been out of reach. The guy was a scumbag through and through, and it didn’t take a special power of insight for her to see that.

Poor Arsen. This is what he has to deal with on a daily basis in LA. No wonder he hates this scene and wants to get away from it all and rent my house. Should I? There was a small part of her that wanted to help Arsen, but the trouble that would come with it would be far more than she could handle.

There was no telling what his band members would do to her house. The story of them driving the limousine into the hotel pool came back into her head. There was no way in hell she was letting them mess up her grandmother’s beloved home. Besides, it would also mean paparazzi parked outside her house all the time. She wasn’t prepared for that kind of attention. As bad as she felt for Arsen, Rory knew she couldn’t take that on.

Chapter 57

“Why don’t we have Mickey’s biography in here?” Lizzy asked absentmindedly.

“Mickey has a biography?” Rory laughed out loud.

“Yes. I checked online and we don’t have it in stock. What kind of boo

kstore are we?” Lizzy was miffed.

“The kind that does not stock garbage books,” Rory joked.

“That’s not funny. It is a shame that we do not stock the biography of the best singer the world has ever seen.”

“Best singer, Lizzy? Well, Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, and Michael Jackson would like to chat. Not to mention Freddie Mercury.” Rory was cracking up now.

“Well Frank is dead but Mickey is not.” Lizzy was irritated, something she wasn’t very often.

“Lizzy—you don’t even read books.”

“Which makes it even more important, don’t you think? I need to know more about Mickey and I need to read this book.”

“Why? The man is shallow as a puddle. His biography is probably nothing but a story of sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll.”

“No, Rory, that is what you don’t understand. Mickey is a complex man who has never been loved and that is why he turns to all those… things. To fill the empty void within him. I read about this phenomenon in Cosmo once.”

“Okay, so now you’re a psychiatrist, Lizzy?”

“Don’t make fun of me, Rory, I’m serious. A talented, good-looking man like that needs true love in his life to turn it around.”

“And you think you are that true love?” Rory raised a brow.

“Why not? What’s wrong with me?” Lizzy asked angrily.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” Rory smiled, warmly now. “But there are a lot of things wrong with that guy.”

“That is just a matter of personal perspective and on that, I do not agree with you at all. I have seen a side of him that maybe no one else has. He’s not what he seems.” The dazed smile was back on Lizzy’s face and Rory was sure that she had gone back to dreamland.

“Lizzy…” Rory was just going to start a lecture when the door of the shop rang open.

“Uncle Don!” Lizzy exclaimed and Rory wondered why she was calling Don “Uncle.”

“Mickey’s been telling you all the nicknames he has for me, eh?” Don asked Lizzy, who was blushing red with childish guilt. “But you are a sweet girl and it sounds much better coming from your pretty mouth than his,” Don laughed.

“Don. Nice to see you again. Looking for some books, are we?” Rory smiled.