Her eyes go wide. “Kirkman? He will? Here? Oh —”

Her gaze floats over my shoulder, and she looks shellshocked. Her lips fall open with a small popping noise.

I look over my shoulder and see that the door is open again. Kirkman saunters in, bouncing slightly at the knees as though he is still performing. He waves over his head at a couple of the businessmen in the corner, then sweeps the room with his eyes. He sees me and jerks his chin in greeting then pauses, looking at Bunny. She makes a tiny, strangled squeal as he begins to walk toward us.

“What do we do?” she asks quickly. “Dahlia? Am I supposed to be here?”

“Just smile.”

Kirkman rolls his eyes at me. “Where's your boss?” he asks me.

“Checking for strays, I imagine,” I answer. “He'll be here shortly. Do you remember Bunny?”

He smiles with one corner of his mouth, sliding his eyes over every inch of her where she stands.

“Of course I remember her,” he says. “I liked your other costume. This one is better.”

Bunny casts her weight to one side, perching her fist on her hip and cocking her head. She instantly transforms, burying the nervous fangirl deep inside and turning immediately into the sultry vixen I know and love.

“Your costume is okay, too, I guess,” she answers saucily.

Kirkman turns his back toward the women gathered at the end of the bar who are all staring with their mouth hanging open, obviously displeased. He swings into a barstool next to Bunny and drops his elbow on the bar so he can perch his head on his fist.

“You wanna take a picture?” he invites her.

“Excuse me, I'll be right back,” I say in a rush. She seems to like him, but I'm just going to have to get away.

When I get to a safe distance, I look back. Now that I can't hear the words that are coming out of his mouth, he doesn't seem so bad. Bunny sure seems to be into him. She's doing her best flirty cheerleader impression, bouncing up and down on her toes, sticking her chin in the air. She's very sassy little person, I'm sure he'll like her.

“What is going on over there?” comes a voice close to my ear. Instantly my body thrills, and I'm electrified.

I don't turn around. Instead I edge backward millimeter by millimeter, trying to get closer. I feel August’s hand snake around my waist and he pulls me tighter to him.

“I think Bunny has a new crush,” I murmur, quietly enough that he has to be very close to hear me.

“Well, isn't that convenient,” August says, his breath trailing over my ear, down the side of my neck. I shiver and sigh, wishing we were alone.

“She will be okay with him? Should I do something?”

“Just let her have her fun,” he answers.

I nod, sure he's right. Bunny knows what she's doing. She's known all along.

Chapter 45


Ron holds the remote out in front of him, way in front. I wonder if he realizes he doesn't have to do that. It's not like it makes a difference.

The TV makes a little boop noise every time he thumbs down to the next entry in the lineup. He scrolls through all the NHL games, looking for baseball.

Twirling my beer bottle slowly in my fingers, I watch the condensation form droplets and rub them out with the pad of my thumb.

“This all right?” he asks absentmindedly.

“Sure,” I agree without looking at what he's putting on.

The familiar sounds of a sports match fill the air. I don't even have to watch. I'm just here holding down the other end of the sofa for Ron.