“In my room?”

He winces. “Dahlia… I never meant to —”

“Stop,” I tell him. “I don’t want an apology. I want to hear about how you got hard. Tell me that.”

He takes another deep breath. “Your room is so… like you. Pretty. Neat and tidy. Organized. You don't have too much stuff; you have exactly the right amount of stuff. You smell… so good…”

My eyes drift down, attracted by the movement of his hand. His fingers are wrapped around his shaft. The meat is heavy in is palm, not quite hard, bouncing slightly as he works at it.

“That scent,” he continues. “At first I thought it was perfume, but now I think it's just you. You smell sweet. Like candy. Perfume.”

“I don’t wear perfume,” I remark.

He smiles. He traps his lower lip between his teeth and bites gently. “Even better.”

I glance down. His hand moves a little faster, stroking closer to the end. The veins bulge, twisting over the velvety surface.

“Can taste you now?” I ask him.

“Oh God, Dahlia, yes,” he groans.

He arches his back, jerking his cock as I kneel in front of him, sliding my hands behind his knees. He guides his cock toward my mouth and I let it slip across my tongue, eagerly tasting the salty drop at the tip. It's so thick, it fills my mouth, almost cutting off my breath.

But I'm so hungry for it. I need it against the back of my throat, and I choke down more and more of it, wanting to take it all, wanting to feel my lips around the very end of him.

With his hand on the back of my head, he slides in and out of my mouth deftly, pumping his hips. The muscles across his stomach and thighs clench and knot as he strokes over and over again, filling me to choking. I feel his fingers grip my head as he thrusts one last time, burying himself deep in my throat, almost hurting me as his seed explodes into me, salty, hot, abundant.

I drink it down, eager for every drop. Slowly he crumples to his knees and drapes his arms over my shoulders, covering my face in kisses, moaning and growling and groaning all at the same time.

Together we slide to the floor and lay there, looking up at the ceiling, both beyond words. Beyond pixels on a screen, beyond pictures. It feels so real, it's overwhelming.

Chapter 43


Even though I realize Dahlia has just confessed to lying to me twice in one day, I don't think I can find it in me to be angry about it.

As I stand under the luxurious multiple jets of the shower in our hotel room, I wait for the chamber to fill up with steam and fill my lungs over and over again with the fragrant perfume. The water jets are brutal, pounding at my shoulders and lower back mercilessly. I just in there and take it, feeling whole, feeling good.

Really good


With any other woman, I might be furious. I might even walk right out the door. But somehow, her confessions only make me trust her more instead of less. She probably didn't even have to tell me. But she has enough integrity and enough trust in me that she did.

That's a very good girl.

And I can't help thinking about those text messages. I would never have guessed two weeks ago that she would be someone to send me a picture of her fingers in her panties. That she would've said all of those deliciously sexy things. That she would have been so compliant, so eager, so wanting. She set off a fire inside me, something I didn't even know I still had.

That's why Trina never worked. That's why I didn't particularly care when she left. She didn't set me on fire. She's a perfectly nice, perfectly acceptable woman, but we couldn't spark together like this.

Instead, Dahlia reaches deep into me, invigorates me, brings me back to life. She makes me remember why I'm a man. She makes remember that I want things, I want them deeply and furiously and passionately.

And knowing that the fantasy lover and the real lover are the same person makes it even better. She's layered and complicated.

And I'm determined to make her mine.

But for now, I do still have work to do. I twist the shower nozzles off and reach for a fluffy towel to dry myself, mentally listing the steps for the rest of the night. The security here at the MGM is quite good, with many personnel tunnels for Kirkman to use so that he will not have to walk directly through the casino to get to the venue. In fact, he would never have to see another person in public for the rest of the time that we are here.