“Bunny, I lost a video!”

I hear her make a surprised noise. “You lost a… what are you talking about?”

“He sent me a video? I played it… And now it's gone! What did I do?”

“A video of what?” she chuckles.

“Bunny, I don't a time for this! What did I do?”

“Oh, geez, relax,” she drawls. I hear voice changing as though she's moving, maybe sitting down. “When you send videos through Instagram direct message, they don't last. You can play them once or twice, I think, then they just disappear.”

“They disappear? Like on purpose?”

“Yeah… actually, I don't even really understand why. Maybe for privacy or something. Like Vines, kind of. But if you played it a couple times and it disappeared, that's exactly what it was supposed to do. You didn't do anything wrong.”

“Oh my God,” I sigh, relieved. “I mean, I thought I lost it! Like sent it out into the world or something!”

“No, no,” her voice drifts off, and I can tell she's clearly distracted. “You didn't do anything. So… what was it a video of?”

“It was his… you know. Penis.”

“You don't say!” she purrs, and I can tell I have her interest again. “What was he doing with his penis? Is it nice? Is it enormous?”

“He was… you know. Holding it. Pulling on it. Like for real.”

“Oh my God! Did he come?”

I push myself back farther between the shelving units. “He totally did! I can't believe it!”

“He sent you a cum shot?! Wow, August! D

id not know you had it in you, old man!”

“I know, right?”

I breathe excitedly, trying desperately to keep my voice down. I'm so glad Bunny understands. My body is still buzzing, thrilled and enthralled.

“Did you ask him for that? Damn, you are dirty girl, Dahlia!”

“No! He just started… like, talking to me the other day. He started, you know… talking about doing it. What it would be like. It was so amazing. I just couldn’t even stand it. He said he wanted to lay me down and spread my legs and…”

“Stop!” Bunny commands me.

“Oh, I'm sorry! Is this totally gross or something —”

“— no, it's totally hot! I just want to see it in person. Pick me up in thirty minutes.”

I giggle, glad to know that it's not just me.

“I think I could do that. There's still half a day left almost.”

I hear Bunny sucking her teeth. “Yeah, well, now you got me all hot and bothered. Let's go walk it off at the mall or something. I want to see those texts!”

“Yeah, okay. All right. I'll be there in half an hour. The board meeting is happening this afternoon, and I wouldn't mind not being here when that happens anyway. Since I made absolutely zero progress on the whole Kirkman front, I guess I can go ahead and be absent. They are probably going to start picking names out of a hat to fire.”

“That's the spirit,” she says, distracted again. “I'll be out front. Just swing by quick so they can't stop me.”

I disconnect the call, slipping the phone back into my pocket and trying to stand up straight. My knees are still wobbly and I feel like I've been tossed around by a roller coaster. Carefully opening the door, I peek out into the hallway to make sure I’m alone before I stroll nonchalantly back to my desk.